UW ADAI - Symposium - 2024 - Opening Remarks
(September 19, 2024)

Thursday September 19, 2024 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Observed
University of Washington - Addictions, Drug, and Alcohol Institute (UW ADAI) - Logo



UW ADAI leaders gave context for the symposium, promising to highlight researchers from around the world while contrasting their efforts from the historical baggage of Reefer Madness.

Here are some observations from the Thursday September 19th University of Washington Addictions, Drug, and Alcohol Institute (UW ADAI) Symposium titled, “Cannabis, Schizophrenia, and Other Psychotic Disorders: Moving Away from Reefer Madness Toward Science."

My top 3 takeaways:

  • Susan Ferguson, the Director of the University of Washington Addictions, Drug, and Alcohol Institute (UW ADAI), welcomed attendees to the group’s 5th symposium on cannabis research and introduced the topics and speakers for the day's event (audio - 6m, video - UW ADAI).
    • Ferguson noted that as of that morning, there were 577 people registered, with more than half attending from Washington State. The local interest was particularly encouraging, as she observed the symposium was "sponsored by the cannabis dedicated funds from the state, given to the University of Washington and to ADAI.” She welcomed the participation of Representatives Shelley Kloba and Lauren Davis.
      • Both Davis and Kloba offered remarks during the prior UW ADAI cannabis symposium in September 2022. At the 2024 event, no time was allotted for elected officials to offer remarks. 
    • Ferguson described the symposium as particularly timely due to recently released data from the University of Michigan Monitoring the Future survey. Referring to young adults aged 19 to 30, she said the survey had highlighted that "cannabis vaping, as well as daily cannabis use, are also at the highest they have ever been among this group.”
    • Ferguson explained that the 2024 symposium would feature a few changes, with most speakers presenting remotely, allowing participants to "benefit from the wisdom of people all over the world that might otherwise not have the capacity to travel to the US.”
    • She mentioned another first for the symposium: the inclusion of pre-recorded testimonials from young people impacted by cannabis use, thanking the advocacy groups Every Brain Matters and Johnny’s Ambassadors for sharing the stories.
    • Ferguson concluded her remarks by recognizing the contributions of individuals and organizations that made the symposium possible, including:
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Segment - 01 - Welcome - Susan Ferguson (5m 36s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 02 - Opening Remarks - Beatriz Carlini (3m 26s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 03 - Guidelines - Sharon Garrett (1m 17s) InfoSet ]

Engagement Options


UW Tower, Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, Seattle, WA, USA

The symposium will be held in the Auditorium on the “M” floor. Non-UW attendees will need to check in at the security desk when entering the building. UW Attendees will need your UW Husky Card to enter the building.

Parking for visitors of the UW Tower is available in the W46 garage, which is located on 12th Ave. Vehicles can enter and exit this garage from either 12th Ave NE or the alley between 11th and 12th. Self-pay machines are located on Level 4. The cost for parking is $20.25 daily ($5 hourly). There are other non-UW lots available in the area as well; daily parking costs are about the same. Street parking is limited and may be restricted to 2-4 hours (depending on location).
