DUI legislation was advanced in the Senate where two organized retail theft bills were staged for introduction, and the House would hear about transferring cannabis production authorities to WSDA.
Here are some observations of the Washington State Legislature (WA Legislature) for Friday January 17th, the 5th day of the 2025 regular session.
My top 3 takeaways:
- On Thursday, the Washington State Senate Law and Justice Committee (WA Senate LAW) advanced the prime sponsor’s substitute for SB 5067, agency request legislation aiming to curb driving under the influence (DUI).
- SB 5067 - Alcohol BAC Limit and DUI
- Following the Tuesday January 14th public hearing on a proposed substitute by Senator John Lovick, Senator Phil Fortunato suggested alternative language which would add a new layer of criminal penalties at the 0.10 BAC level.
- During the executive session on Thursday, Deputy Majority Leader and Chair Manka Dhingra stated that she wasn’t opposed to Fortunato’s approach, but aimed to keep SB 5067 narrowly focused on lowering the BAC limit after encountering challenges advancing similar legislation during the 2023-24 biennium, SB 5002.
- Lovick’s proposed substitute was adopted and the legislation was recommended to the Washington State Senate Transportation Committee (WA Senate TRAN) for additional policy review.
- A correction: HB 1315, Representative Brandy Donaghy’s version of the BAC bill, is technically not companion legislation to SB 5067 and was not requested by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC). Despite an identical title and a similar goal of lowering the BAC limit to 0.05, the bill text as introduced was significantly different.
- During the WTSC quarterly meeting on Thursday, Acting Director Shelly Baldwin noted the distinction and indicated agency staff were assessing the legislation.
- HB 1315 was scheduled to receive an initial public hearing on Tuesday January 21st in the Washington State House Community Safety Committee (WA House CS).
- SB 5067 - Alcohol BAC Limit and DUI
- Introductions of legislation went as planned on Thursday and two new organized retail theft bills were readied in the Senate.
- HB 1341 - “Concerning the medical cannabis authorization database.”
- DOH Patient Data Sharing
- Representative Sharon Wylie introduced the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) request legislation to authorize access to Washington State Department of Health (DOH) patient data and the bill was referred to the Washington State House Consumer Protection and Business Committee (WA House CPB).
- HB 1346 - “Removing cannabis industry barriers.”
- Out of State Ownership
- Representative David Hackney introduced legislation seeking to lift requirements which limit ownership of Washington cannabis business licenses to state residents and the bill was referred to WA House CPB.
- HB 1347 - “Concerning cannabis testing laboratories.”
- Clarifying WSLCB Certification Authority
- Representative Kristine Reeves introduced legislation intended to better distinguish WSDA accreditation from WSLCB certification of private cannabis testing labs. The bill was referred to the WA House CPB.
- HB 1348 - “Concerning employee ownership of licensed cannabis businesses.”
- Cannabis ESOPs
- Representative Hackney also introduced legislation regarding employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) specific to the cannabis sector which was referred to WA House CPB.
- SB 5347 - “Concerning organized retail theft.”
- Organized Retail Theft Definition
- On Friday, Senator Fortunato planned to introduce legislation which would change the definition of “organized retail theft” in RCW 9A.56.350 to be inclusive of multiple thefts over a year long period rather than six months.
- According to the draft introduction report, the bill would be referred to WA Senate LAW during the pro forma floor session starting at 12:30pm [ TVW ].
- SB 5348 - “Creating a sentencing enhancement for organized retail theft.”
- Organized Retail Theft Sentencing Enhancement
- Fortunato also planned to introduce legislation which would add a year to the sentencing range for property thefts in excess of $25K aggregate value.
- According to the draft introduction report, the bill would be referred to WA Senate LAW.
- HB 1341 - “Concerning the medical cannabis authorization database.”
- On Friday, legislation aiming to transfer some authorities over cannabis production to the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) was scheduled to receive an initial public hearing in the Washington State House Consumer Protection and Business Committee (WA House CPB).
- 8am: WA House CPB - Committee Meeting [ Event Details ]
- Public Hearing
- HB 1067 - Cannabis Production Authority Transfer
- Prime sponsor and WA House CPB member Representative Reeves introduced the same bill during the 2023-24 biennium, HB 2334, where any changes to language appeared to reflect surrounding statutory changes. The prior legislation was heard in committee in January 2024 but not advanced prior to the house of origin policy committee cutoff.
- HB 1067 - Cannabis Production Authority Transfer
- Public Hearing
- 8am: WA House CPB - Committee Meeting [ Event Details ]