Three of eight cannabis-related bills were scheduled for activity in the second week of session, while WSLCB considered liberalizing acceptable forms of identification for the alcohol sector.
Here’s a look at cannabis-related policymaking events on the calendar in the week ahead.
Monday January 20th
The State of Washington recognizes Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Tuesday January 21st
WSLCB - Focus Group - Identification Reform
On Tuesday at 9am PT, Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) staff planned to host a focus group on the Identification Reform rulemaking project.
- [ Event Details, Rulemaking Project ]
- While earlier presented as potentially modifying rules around “forms of identification acceptable to verify a person’s age” for all sectors regulated by the WSLCB, the draft rules would only liberalize language in the alcohol codes to allow retailers to accept certain documents from any “foreign government” where previously that privilege was reserved for Canadian citizens.
- Cannabis rules in WAC 314-55-150 remained untouched in the draft and consistent with current alcohol codes regarding acceptance of a “Driver's license, instruction permit, or identification card of any…province of Canada.”
- At publication time, youth access compliance rates for cannabis retailers remained at levels far surpassing all other sectors regulated by the WSLCB as tested by an Enforcement and Education program utilizing undercover youth operatives.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
On Tuesday at 10am PT, the weekly Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) Board Caucus was scheduled to recur.
- [ Event Details ]
- On Tuesday January 14th, new Board Member Pete Holmes joined a call of the WSLCB Board for the first time.
- Circumstances surrounding his appointment during the gubernatorial transition were clarified by an update to Governor Ferguson’s revised website on Friday showing Holmes had been reappointed on Thursday January 16th and was slated to serve through 2031.
- On Tuesday, members would hear an update from Director of Legislative Affairs Marc Webster.
WA House CPB - Committee Meeting
On Tuesday at 1:30pm PT, the Washington State House Consumer Protection and Business Committee (WA House CPB) was scheduled to convene.
- [ Event Details ]
- Executive Session
- HB 1066 - WSLCB Data Dashboard
- On Tuesday January 14th, WA House CPB members hosted a public hearing on Representative Kristine Reeves’ bill as returned from the 2024 regular session. Cannabis sector, public health, and prevention interests were unified in their support for more transparent reporting of data collected by the WSLCB and other agencies.
- HB 1066 - WSLCB Data Dashboard
WA House CS - Committee Meeting
On Tuesday at 4pm PT, the Washington State House Community Safety Committee (WA House CS) was scheduled to convene.
- [ Event Details ]
- Public Hearing
- HB 1315 - Alcohol BAC Limit and DUI
- Initially interpreted as a companion to SB 5067, Cannabis Observer later confirmed that Representative Brandy Donaghy’s version of the blood alcohol content (BAC) bill was not requested by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC). Despite an identical title and a similar goal of lowering the BAC limit to 0.05, the bill text as introduced was significantly different.
- During the executive session on SB 5067 on Thursday, Deputy Majority Leader and Chair Manka Dhingra stated that she aimed to keep SB 5067 narrowly focused on lowering the alcohol BAC limit after encountering challenges advancing similar legislation during the 2023-24 biennium, SB 5002.
- HB 1315 - Alcohol BAC Limit and DUI
Wednesday January 22nd
WA House LAWS - Committee Meeting
On Wednesday at 8am PT, the Washington State House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee (WA House LAWS) was scheduled to convene.
- [ Event Details ]
- Executive Session
- HB 1141 - Cannabis Production Unions
- During a public hearing on Wednesday January 15th, the bill to permit collective bargaining by cannabis agricultural workers was supported by claims it may help worker conditions, but opposed by those who felt the cannabis sector was singled out.
- HB 1141 - Cannabis Production Unions
WA House CPB - Committee Meeting
On Wednesday at 1:30pm PT, the Washington State House Consumer Protection and Business Committee (WA House CPB) was scheduled to convene.
- [ Event Details ]
- Executive Session
- HB 1067 - Cannabis Production Authority Transfer
- During a public hearing on Friday January 17th, agency remarks on a bill to move producer/processor regulation to WSDA raised questions of cost and timing, while all but one member of the public testified in favor.
- HB 1067 - Cannabis Production Authority Transfer
Thursday January 23rd
WSLCB - Focus Group - Identification Reform
On Thursday at 1pm PT, Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) staff planned to host a second focus group on the Identification Reform rulemaking project.
Friday January 24th
WA Pharmacy Commission - Legislative Review
On Friday at 12pm PT, the weekly Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (WA Pharmacy Commission) Legislative Review was scheduled to recur.
- [ Event Details ]
- Commissioners convened on Friday January 17th for the first time during the 2025 regular session to review a handful of bills, none of which were cannabis-related.