UW ADAI - Symposium - 2022 - Cannabis Use by Young Adults
(September 16, 2022) - Summary

New Yorker Cartoon - It Must Be The Cannabis

A presentation on consumption habits among young adults in Washington described negative health effects, poor academic outcomes, and suicidal thoughts attributed to cannabis use disorder.

Here are some observations from the Friday September 16th University of Washington Addictions, Drugs, and Alcohol Institute (UW ADAI) 2022 Symposium on “High-THC Cannabis in Legal Regulated Markets.”

My top 3 takeaways:

  • Three questions from attendees elicited comments from Kilmer on youth access, product theft from retailers, and suicidal ideation for young adults.
    • “Given the conversation that we've had and the restrictions that the retailers have about selling to youth, we also heard some information about perhaps theft of products as being one venue of access for youth. How do you suggest that we address the problems of youth access?” (audio - 2m, video)
      • Kilmer’s perspective was that “parents have to be part of…prevention” as surveys were indicating 18-20 year olds’ access was increasing partially from “parents, with their permission.” He felt parents were “operating off of an old script and your parent says ‘I used when I was younger; I turned out fine.’ They used different stuff.” Kilmer hoped parents were “aware of how truly influential they are” and “aware of impacts on mental health and academic outcomes.”
    • Cannabis Observer founder Gregory Foster asked, “You indicated that the [WYAHS] data that you presented for 2020 and 2021 showed a theft from dispensaries or stores as a means of obtaining cannabis products and that that increased from zero to low levels…the question is if that survey distinguishes between cannabis products obtained from regulated retail stores versus hemp derived intoxicating products” from stores lacking cannabis licensure or age restrictions on their premises (audio - 1m, video)
      • Kilmer responded that the increase in thefts were “significant largely because it had been zero every other time point,” but the survey “did distinctly ask about retail stores.”
      • Cannabis Observer was not able to locate the survey to report how this particular question was framed to respondents. We asked because the timing closely matches more widespread availability of products like delta-8-tetrahyrdocannabinol (delta-8-THC or D8) and corresponding consumer interest in the products.
    • “Is there any research suggesting that the risk of suicidal thoughts among cannabis consumers is higher among 21 to 25 year olds?” (audio - 1m, video)
      • Feeling that this could be “an important research question,” Kilmer wasn’t aware of “anything with the focus solely on that older part of the young adult age group.”

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