i502 Producer/Processor of Recreational Cannabis in the state of Washington.
Sponsor (Vegetative)
DOH - Webinar - Medical Cannabis Workshop
(October 17, 2024) - Summary
A long running rulemaking project got fresh feedback on a draft from those in the medical cannabis sector, but staff were no closer to being able to forecast completion of their work.
WSLCB - Focus Group - High THC Products
(June 26, 2024) - Summary
Participants had so much feedback for WSLCB staff soliciting ideas on education and policy changes related to high THC cannabis products that officials considered additional meetings.
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(March 21, 2023) - SB 5546 - Public Hearing
Testimony on a cannabis commission showed disagreements over the body’s potential value; supporters emphasized the bill gave licensed producers the power to decide for themselves.
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting
(February 9, 2023) - SB 5546 - Public Hearing
The sponsor made reasoned arguments for producer-led cannabis research, but industry members were divided over whether the time was right for a cannabis commodity commission.
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting
(February 9, 2023) - SB 5377 - Public Hearing
Feedback on a bill to legalize out-of-state cannabis license ownership was divided: some companies anticipated benefits while others viewed the move as only helping larger entities.
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(February 2, 2023) - HB 1641 and 1642 - Public Hearing
Bills to restrict cannabis concentrates had the support of some health officials and an anti-legalization group, but industry members and a consumer advocate tagged them “prohibition bill[s]."
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(January 23, 2023) - HB 1341 - Public Hearing
Legislation to permit out-of-state ownership and suspend inactive producers received mostly supportive testimony, with opposition centered on equity implications from the change.
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(January 10, 2023) - HB 1083 - Public Hearing
Looking to add flexibility to when retailers could pay for cannabis deliveries was popular with most people testifying, but two speakers felt the change would end up being unfair to suppliers.
WA Senate WM - Committee Meeting
(March 5, 2022) - SB 5983 - Public Hearing
A last-minute hearing on a repackaged bill to regulate synthesized cannabinoids revealed shared public health concerns but testimony otherwise remained just as sharply divided.
WA House PS - Committee Meeting
(February 18, 2022) - SB 5927 - Public Hearing
Committee members heard positive testimony on a bill to increase penalties for cannabis retail robberies, and asked questions about the frequency of incidents and other solutions.