WA HCA - RFP 2020HCA11

The Washington State Health Care Authority, hereafter called “HCA,” is initiating this Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Online Reporting System (SUD Px MHP) along with system implementation services.

This competitive solicitation is issued in order to assist the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) of HCA, which receives federal and state funding, to contract with agencies at the county, Tribe, and community level for delivery of prevention services throughout the state. DBHR uses the current SUD-MH Management Information System (MIS) to determine each agency’s prevention plan and, monitor their progress and impact. Washington State does this by abiding by an evidence-based, best-practices substance use disorder prevention structure where a data-driven needs assessment determines the appropriate prevention programs and develops strategic implementation plans.

WA HCA RFP 2020HCA11 Proposal, Section 1.3 "Purpose and Background"

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