The Board seeks to re-evaluate current rules related to advertising in cannabis, as provided in WAC 314-55-155. Since the last substantive amendments to WAC 314-55-155 in 2018, cannabis advertising has rapidly expanded in scope and content, across multiple advertising platforms. Rulemaking may be appropriate to amend, repeal, or create new subsections in order to update advertising requirements to licensed cannabis businesses. Revisions may also include clarifying and technical updates to existing rules.
from the CR-101 (Aug 29, 2022)
WSLCB - Advertising
(August 31, 2022)
Rulemaking Project
WSLCB - Advertising - CR-101 (Aug 31, 2022)
[ InfoSet ]
CR-101 - v1 [ Info ]
CR-101 - v2 [ Info ]
Memorandum - v1 [ Info ]