WA Legislature - 2023-24 - HB 1249

Seal of the State of Washington

Regarding limits on the sale and possession of retail cannabis products.

Law Filed @ WA SOS ✓ Done


WA House RSG - Committee Meeting (January 16, 2023) - Public Hearing Event Details ]

WA House RSG - Committee Meeting (February 6, 2023) - Executive Session Event Details ]

WA House RSG - Committee Meeting (January 9, 2024) - Public Hearing Event Details ]
Show/Hide Segment(s)
Segment - 06 - HB 1249 - Public Hearing - Staff Briefing - Peter Clodfelter (2m 53s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 07 - HB 1249 - Public Hearing - Introduction - Chris Corry (2m 7s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 08 - HB 1249 - Public Hearing - Introduction - Question - Alcohol Products - Shelley Kloba (34s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 09 - HB 1249 - Public Hearing - Testimony (31s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 10 - HB 1249 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Caitlein Ryan (2m 43s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 11 - HB 1249 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Jessica Hostetler (1m 57s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 12 - HB 1249 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Douglas Henderson (2m 19s) InfoSet ]
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting (January 15, 2024) - Executive Session Event Details ]
Show/Hide Segment(s)
Segment - 18 - HB 1249 - Executive Session - Staff Briefing - Peter Clodfelter (1m 11s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 22 - HB 1249 - Executive Session - Motion (29s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 23 - HB 1249 - Executive Session - Discussion - Kristine Reeves (26s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 24 - HB 1249 - Executive Session - Discussion - Kelly Chambers (57s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 25 - HB 1249 - Executive Session - Vote (58s) InfoSet ]

WA House RUL - Committee Meeting (February 7, 2024) - Package Pull Event Details ]
WA House - Session (February 10, 2024) - Second and Third Reading Event Details ]
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting (February 15, 2024) - Executive Session Event Details ]
WA Senate RULE - Committee Meeting (February 20, 2024) - Regular Package Pull Event Details ]
WA Senate - Session (February 22, 2024) - Second and Third Reading Event Details ]

WA Governor - Bill Action (March 7, 2024) Event Details ]

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