WA Legislature - 2023-24 - HB 1453

Seal of the State of Washington

Providing a tax exemption for medical cannabis patients.

Law Filed @ WA SOS ✓ Done


Milestone - Regular Session Begins - v1 (January 9, 2023) Info ] Achieved
Show/Hide Source Details Cutoff Calendar - v1 Info ]
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting (January 24, 2023) - Public Hearing Event Details ]

WA House RSG - Committee Meeting (February 2, 2023) - Executive Session Event Details ]
Milestone - House of Origin Policy Committee Cutoff - v1 (February 17, 2023) Info ] Achieved
Show/Hide Source Details Cutoff Calendar - v1 Info ]
WA House FIN - Committee Meeting (February 20, 2023) - Public Hearing Event Details ]
WA House FIN - Committee Meeting (February 21, 2023) - Executive Session Event Details ]
WA House FIN - Committee Meeting (February 22, 2023) - Executive Session - Removed Event Details ]
Milestone - House of Origin Fiscal Committee Cutoff - v1 (February 24, 2023) Info ] Not Achieved
Show/Hide Source Details Cutoff Calendar - v1 Info ]

Milestone - Regular Session Begins - v1 (January 8, 2024) Info ] Achieved
Show/Hide Source Details Cutoff Calendar - v1 Info ]

WA House - Session (February 8, 2024) - Calendared Event Details ]
WA House - Session (February 9, 2024) - Second and Third Reading Event Details ]
Show/Hide Segment(s)
No timeline elements available at this time
Milestone - House of Origin Cutoff - v1 (February 13, 2024) Info ] Achieved
Show/Hide Source Details Cutoff Calendar - v1 Info ]
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting (February 19, 2024) - Public Hearing and Executive Session Event Details ]
Show/Hide Segment(s)
Segment - 04 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing (16s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 05 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Staff Briefing - Susan Jones (1m 15s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 06 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Staff Briefing - Question - Identification - Curtis King (22s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 08 - HB 2151 and HB 1453 - Public Hearing (10s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 13 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Lukas Hunter (56s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 15 - HB 2151 and HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony (23s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 16 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Caitlein Ryan (1m 33s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 19 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Ezra Eickmeyer (24s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 20 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Question - Identification - Curtis King (1m 33s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 23 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing (34s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 24 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Hana Keefe-Guerrero (2m 6s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 25 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Bri Crofton (2m 6s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 26 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Wrapping Up - Karen Keiser (17s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 42 - HB 1453 - Executive Session - Staff Briefing - Susan Jones (30s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 59 - HB 1453 - Executive Session (6s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 60 - HB 1453 - Executive Session - Motion - Steve Conway (9s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 61 - HB 1453 - Executive Session - Vote (6s) InfoSet ]
Milestone - Opposite House Policy Committee Cutoff - v1 (February 21, 2024) Info ] Achieved
Show/Hide Source Details Cutoff Calendar - v1 Info ]
WA Senate WM - Committee Meeting (February 22, 2024) - Public Hearing Event Details ]
Show/Hide Segment(s)
Segment - 25 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing (5s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 26 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Staff Briefing - Alia Kennedy (2m 13s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 27 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Staff Briefing - Question - Patient Excise Tax Revenue - June Robinson (30s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 28 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony (15s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 29 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Lukas Hunter (1m 5s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 30 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - John Kingsbury (1m 10s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 31 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Question - Cost of Medical Grade Cannabis - June Robinson (31s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 32 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Question - Distinguishing Medical Grade Cannabis - Chris Gildon (1m 43s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 33 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Hana Keefe-Guerrero (2m 21s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 34 - HB 1453 - Public Hearing - Testimony - Sean O'Leary (1m 17s) InfoSet ]
WA Senate WM - Committee Meeting (February 26, 2024) - Executive Session Event Details ]
Milestone - Opposite House Fiscal Committee Cutoff - v1 (February 26, 2024) Info ] Achieved
Show/Hide Source Details Cutoff Calendar - v1 Info ]
WA Senate RULE - Committee Meeting (February 28, 2024) - Member Pull Event Details ]

WA Senate - Session (March 1, 2024) - Second and Third Reading Event Details ]
Show/Hide Segment(s)
Segment - 01 - HB 1453 - Second Reading (20s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 02 - HB 1453 - Second Reading - Striking Amendment - Motion - Karen Keiser (24s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 03 - HB 1453 - Second Reading - Amendment S-5686.1 - Motion - Curtis King (18s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 04 - HB 1453 - Second Reading - Amendment S-5686.1 - Remarks - Curtis King (1m 8s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 05 - HB 1453 - Second Reading - Amendment S-5686.1 - Vote (16s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 06 - HB 1453 - Second Reading - Substitute - Remarks - Karen Keiser (14s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 07 - HB 1453 - Second Reading - Substitute - Vote (11s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 08 - HB 1453 - Third Reading - Motion - Karen Keiser (21s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 09 - HB 1453 - Third Reading - Remarks - Karen Keiser (1m 39s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 10 - HB 1453 - Third Reading - Remarks - Curtis King (57s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 11 - HB 1453 - Third Reading - Remarks - Ann Rivers (2m 41s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 12 - HB 1453 - Third Reading - Remarks - Karen Keiser (58s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 13 - HB 1453 - Third Reading - Comment - Denny Heck (11s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 14 - HB 1453 - Third Reading - Remarks - John Braun (1m 16s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 15 - HB 1453 - Third Reading - Vote (2m 44s) InfoSet ]
Milestone - Opposite House Cutoff - v1 (March 1, 2024) Info ] Achieved
Show/Hide Source Details Cutoff Calendar - v1 Info ]
WA House - Session (March 6, 2024) - Concurrence and Final Passage Event Details ]
Milestone - Sine Die - v1 (March 7, 2024) Info ] Achieved
Show/Hide Source Details Cutoff Calendar - v1 Info ]
WA Governor - Bill Action (March 14, 2024) Event Details ]
Milestone - Executive Action Deadline - v1 (March 29, 2024) Info ] Achieved
Show/Hide Source Details Website - Bill Actions FAQ - WA Governor - v1 Info ]

