WA Legislature - 2023-24 - HB 1772

Seal of the State of Washington

Prohibiting products that combine alcohol and tetrahydrocannabinol.

Law Filed @ WA SOS ✓ Done


WA House - Session (February 6, 2023) - Introduction Event Details ]
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting (February 13, 2023) - Public Hearing Event Details ]
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting (February 14, 2023) - Executive Session Event Details ]
WA House RUL - Committee Meeting (February 22, 2023) - Calendared Event Details ]
WA House - Session (February 28, 2023) - Second and Third Reading Event Details ]

WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting (March 20, 2023) - Public Hearing Event Details ]
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting (March 21, 2023) - Executive Session Event Details ]
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting (March 23, 2023) - Executive Session - Removed Event Details ]

WA Senate RULE - Committee Meeting (April 10, 2023) - Calendared Event Details ]
WA Senate - Session (April 12, 2023) - Second and Third Reading Event Details ]

WA Governor - Bill Action (May 1, 2023) Event Details ]

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