WSLCB - Board Caucus
(November 19, 2024) - Timeline

- Segment - 01 - Welcome - David Postman [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 02 - Review - Social Equity Transfer and Assumption Memo - Introduction - David Postman [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 03 - Review - Social Equity Transfer and Assumption Memo - Sarah Worley [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 04 - Review - Social Equity Transfer and Assumption Memo - Question - Third Party Contractor - David Postman [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 05 - Update - Rulemaking - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 06 - Update - Rulemaking Petitions - Cannabis - Traceability Platform and Payment Flexibility - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 07 - Update - Rulemaking - Cannabis - SB 5376 Implementation and Minors on Wholesale Licensed Premises - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 08 - Update - Rulemaking - Cannabis - SB 5080 Implementation - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 09 - Update - Rulemaking - Cannabis - SB 5080 Implementation - Question - Feedback - David Postman [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 10 - Update - Rulemaking Petition - Alcohol - Restaurant Hours - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 11 - Update - Rulemaking Petition - Cannabis - Captive Insurance Companies - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 12 - Update - Rulemaking - Cannabis - Lab Authority Transfer - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 13 - Update - Rulemaking - Cannabis - Minors on Wholesale Licensed Premises and SB 5376 Implementation - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 14 - Update - Rulemaking - Cannabis - SB 5080 Implementation - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 15 - Update - Rulemaking - Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Identification Reform - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 16 - Update - Rulemaking - Alcohol - Product Placement - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 17 - Update - Rulemaking Petition - Cannabis - Traceability Platform - Denise Laflamme [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 18 - Update - Rulemaking Petition - Cannabis - Traceability Platform - Comment - Jim Vollendroff [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 19 - Update - Rulemaking Petition - Cannabis - Payment Flexibility - Cassidy West [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 20 - Update - Rulemaking Petition - Cannabis - Payment Flexibility - Question - Check Deposit Window - Ollie Garrett [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 21 - Update - Rulemaking Petition - Cannabis - Payment Flexibility - Question - Petitioner Participation - Jim Vollendroff [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 22 - Update - Acting Chair Responsibilities - David Postman [ InfoSet ]
- Segment - 23 - Wrapping Up - David Postman [ InfoSet ]