WSLCB - Deliberative Dialogue

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The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) is the primary adult use cannabis regulatory authority in the State of Washington. The executive agency, which also regulates alcohol, tobacco, and vapor products in Washington state, is overseen by a three member board appointed by the Governor to six-year terms. The Board holds regular public meetings and work sessions with stakeholders, makes policy and budget decisions, and adjudicates contested license applications and enforcement actions on licensees. Board members are also responsible for hiring the agency's Director, who manages day-to-day operations.

Deliberative Dialogue is a method to facilitate participant engagement in policy discussion that can be adapted to a variety of issues and to both stakeholder and citizen processes. "Dialogue" is about creating meaning together, finding a shared understanding of an issue, and discovering what values are most important in resolving it. Dialogue is often open-ended, focused more on increasing understanding and developing relationships than on reaching an agreement. "Deliberation," on the other hand, emphasizes the importance of examining options and trade-offs so people can make informed public decisions.
