The State of Washington is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States of America.
USA - Washington
- University of Washington Addictions, Drug, and Alcohol Institute (UW ADAI)
- University of Washington Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (UW ADAI)
- University of Washington Center for Cannabis Research (UW CCR)
- University of Washington School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (UW Psychiatry)
- Washington Healthy Youth Coalition (WHY Coalition)
- Washington Healthy Youth Coalition Cannabinoid Work Group (WHY Coalition - Work Group - Cannabinoid)
- Washington Impaired Driving Advisory Council (WIDAC)
- Washington State Board of Health (SBOH)
- Washington State Citizen Commission for Performance Measurement of Tax Preferences (WA Commission for Measurement of Tax Preferences)
- Washington State Commission on African American Affairs (CAAA)
- Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs (CHA)
- Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA)
- Washington State Department of Agriculture Pesticide Advisory Board (WSDA PAB)
- Washington State Department of Commerce (WA Commerce)
- Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE)
- Washington State Department of Health (DOH)
- Washington State Department of Health Substance Use Disorder Certification Advisory Committee (WA DOH - SUD Certification Advisory Committee)
- Washington State Executive Ethics Board (EEB)
- Washington State Governor's Interagency Council on Health Disparities (WA Governor Council on Health Disparities)
- Washington State Health Care Authority (WA HCA)
- Washington State Health Care Authority Prevention Research Collaborative (WA HCA PRC)
- Washington State Health Care Authority Prevention Research Subcommittee (WA HCA PRSC)
- Washington State Hemp Commission Task Force (WA Hemp Commission Task Force)
- Washington State Hemp in Food Task Force (WA Hemp in Food Task Force)
- Washington State Hemp in Food Task Force Concentration and Safety Work Group (WA Hemp in Food Task Force - Work Group - Concentration and Safety)
- Washington State Hemp in Food Task Force Definitions Work Group (WA Hemp in Food Task Force - Work Group - Definitions)
- Washington State House Appropriations Committee (WA House APP)
- Washington State House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee (WA House CRJ)
- Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee (WA House COG)
- Washington State House Community and Economic Development Committee (WA House CED)
- Washington State House Community Safety, Justice, and Reentry Committee (WA House CSJR)
- Washington State House Consumer Protection and Business Committee (WA House CPB)
- Washington State House Environment and Energy Committee (WA House ENVI)
- Washington State House Finance Committee (WA House FIN)
- Washington State House Health Care and Wellness Committee (WA House HCW)
- Washington State House Human Services, Youth, and Early Learning Committee (WA House HSEL)
- Washington State House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee (WA House LAWS)
- Washington State House of Representatives (WA House)
- Washington State House Public Safety Committee (WA House PS)
- Washington State House Regulated Substances and Gaming Committee (WA House RSG)
- Washington State House Rules Committee (WA House RUL)
- Washington State House State Government and Tribal Relations Committee (WA House SGOV)
- Washington State Institute for Public Policy (WSIPP)
- Washington State Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC)
- Washington State Legislative Ethics Board (WA LEB)
- Washington State Legislative Information Center (WA LIC)
- Washington State Legislative Task Force on Social Equity in Cannabis (WA SECTF)
- Washington State Legislative Task Force on Social Equity in Cannabis Community Reinvestment Work Group (WA SECTF - Work Group - Community Reinvestment)
- Washington State Legislative Task Force on Social Equity in Cannabis Disproportionately Impacted Communities Work Group (WA SECTF - Work Group - Disproportionately Impacted Communities)
- Washington State Legislative Task Force on Social Equity in Cannabis Licensing Work Group (WA SECTF - Work Group - Licensing)
- Washington State Legislative Task Force on Social Equity in Cannabis Non-Violent Offense Policy and Home Grow Work Group (WA SECTF - Work Group - Non-Violent Offense Policy and Home Grow)
- Washington State Legislative Task Force on Social Equity in Cannabis Regulation of Cannabis Production Work Group (WA SECTF - Work Group - Production)
- Washington State Legislative Task Force on Social Equity in Cannabis Technical Assistance and Mentorship Work Group (WA SECTF - Work Group - TA and Mentorship)
- Washington State Legislature (WA Legislature)
- Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB)
- Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Research Roundtable (WSLCB Research Roundtable)
- Washington State Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE)
- Washington State Office of the Attorney General (WA OAG)
- Washington State Office of the Chief Information Officer (WA OCIO)
- Washington State Office of the Code Reviser (WA CRO)
- Washington State Office of the Governor (WA Governor)
- Washington State Organized Retail Crime Task Force (WA ORC Task Force)
- Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (WA Pharmacy Commission)
- Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission Legislative Committee (WA Pharmacy Commission Legislative Committee)
- Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (WA PDC)
- Washington State Public Records Exemptions Accountability Committee (WA Sunshine Committee)
- Washington State Senate (WA Senate)
- Washington State Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources, and Parks Committee (WA Senate AWNP)
- Washington State Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee (WA Senate EDU)
- Washington State Senate Environment, Energy, and Technology Committee (WA Senate ENET)
- Washington State Senate Financial Institutions, Economic Development, and Trade Committee (WA Senate FIET)
- Washington State Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee (WA Senate HLTC)
- Washington State Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee Behavioral Health Subcommittee (WA Senate HLTC - BH)
- Washington State Senate Human Services, Reentry, and Rehabilitation Committee (WA Senate HSRR)
- Washington State Senate Labor and Commerce Committee (WA Senate LBRC)
- Washington State Senate Labor and Commerce Committee (WA Senate LC)
- Washington State Senate Labor, Commerce, and Tribal Affairs Committee (WA Senate LCTA)
- Washington State Senate Law and Justice Committee (WA Senate LAW)
- Washington State Senate Rules Committee (WA Senate RULE)
- Washington State Senate Transportation Committee (WA Senate TRAN)
- Washington State Senate Ways and Means Committee (WA Senate WM)
- Washington State Task Force on Marijuana Odor (WA Task Force on Marijuana Odor)
- Washington State University Center for Cannabis Policy, Research, and Outreach (WSU CCPRO)
- Washington State University Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center (WSU Prosser IAREC)
- Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC)
- Washington Uniform Law Commission (WULC)
- WSLCB Cannabinoid Science Work Group (WSLCB - Work Group - Cannabinoid Science)
- WSLCB Public Education Work Group (WSLCB - Work Group - Public Education)
- WSLCB Quality Control Standards Work Group (WSLCB - Work Group - QC Standards)
- USA - Washington
- University of Washington School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (UW Psychiatry)
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(September 25, 2024) - Summary
WSLCB staff postponed several rulemaking projects before the Board enabled cannabis businesses to accept checks then heard comments in the aftermath of the Kim Potter debacle.
The Week Ahead
(October 7, 2024)
The WSDA Pesticide Advisory Board would discuss the Endangered Species Act on Monday before a full week of scheduled rulemaking and leadership updates at the WSLCB.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(September 24, 2024) - Budtender Training Requirements
A cannabis postdoc presented research on state-level budtender requirements, eliciting specific interests of board members and agency research staff on implementing training policies.
The Week Ahead
(September 30, 2024)
State legislators and healthcare policy leaders planned to participate in a University of Washington conference on substance use and addiction clinical care, research, and education.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(September 17, 2024) - Enforcement Training Speaker Cancellation
Remarks to Enforcement staff by an ex-cop convicted of manslaughter were cancelled, but questions remained about planning and why it was leaked to the press before WSLCB leaders heard about it.
WA House RSG - Committee Meeting
(September 17, 2024) - DOH YCCTPP Updates
DOH youth tobacco and cannabis prevention staff interpreted Healthy Youth Survey data, shared public health goals for the future, then responded to questions and concerns from legislators.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(September 11, 2024) - Summary
Agency leaders would brief lawmakers on topics like traceability, changes may be offered for social equity and THC rulemaking projects, plus public health outreach and media interest in cannabis labs.
The Week Ahead
(September 16, 2024)
Seasonal change and the approaching 2025 legislative session were signaled by lawmaker work sessions and a University of Washington symposium on cannabis and mental health.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(September 11, 2024) - Summary
Rulemaking ruled the meeting including a petition on transportation, final rules on patient excise tax exemptions, and hearings on payment options, THC, and social equity; public comments followed.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(September 10, 2024) - Summary
The conversation started off with details on how WSLCB officers were enforcing hemp product restrictions, rulemaking updates, then a last minute review of agency request bill topics.