The Washington State Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks Committee (WA Senate AWNP) considers issues relating to agricultural production, marketing, and sales. The committee looks at water issues, including water quantity and municipal water. The committee has oversight over matters relating to fish and wildlife, as well as mining, forest practices and forest fire protection. The committee also considers parks and recreation and issues relating to aquatic lands and the management of certain state owned lands. The body was renamed the Washington State Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee (WA Senate ANR) at the beginning of the 2025-26 legislative biennium.
Washington State Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources, and Parks Committee
(WA Senate AWNP)

Structural Relationships
Washington State Senate
(WA Senate) -
Washington State Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources, and Parks CommitteeInactive
(WA Senate AWNP)
Legislative Sessions
WA Legislature - Update
(January 24, 2024)
Legislation to reinforce vigilance over inversion and diversion was advanced, hemp in food was delayed, and legislators may not consider cannabis bills Wednesday until Senate calendaring.
WA Legislature - Update
(January 23, 2024)
After a particularly busy Monday for cannabis-related legislation in both the Senate and House, representatives were scheduled to move the inversion/diversion bill on Tuesday.
The Week Ahead
(January 22, 2024)
11 cannabis-related bills were scheduled for activity the week before the house of origin policy committee cutoff, as regulators closely followed to position and prepare accordingly.
WA Legislature - Update
(January 22, 2024)
Some legislators seemed eager to at least appear to be eager to earmark unapportioned cannabis excise tax revenue at the beginning of the third week of the 2024 regular session.
WA Legislature - Update
(January 18, 2024)
Senators passed the cannabis waste bill and revived out-of-state ownership; new tax bills were coming; the preliminary schedule was published; and 3 hearings were up Thursday morning.
WA Legislature - Update
(January 12, 2024)
Legislation on hemp extract as a food ingredient and a bill to shift authority from WSLCB to WSDA were ready for introduction, and substance use penalty language caught our attention.
WA Legislature - Update
(January 11, 2024)
Co-sponsors flocked to new legislation, WSLCB leadership discussed two active bills, a new high-THC bill was readied, and committee schedules for the following week were published.
WA Legislature - Update
(January 9, 2024)
Lawmakers reintroduced 2023 legislation, nudging one cannabis bill forward, and planned to introduce expansive new hemp processor legislation before hearing three cannabis-related bills.
WA Senate AWNP - Committee Meeting
(February 1, 2022) - SB 5951 - Public Hearing
A bill requiring accuracy in CBD labeling was welcomed by hemp stakeholders, but dissent centered on definitions cribbed from another bill and whether the legislation was necessary.
The Week Ahead
(January 31, 2022)
Policy committees rushed to recommend legislation ahead of the initial cutoff deadline on February 3rd, including bills on retail safety, cannabinoid regulation, and social equity.