The WSDA Pesticide Compliance Program organized a work group to help draft new language for the penalty portion of the department's pesticide general rules.
Review and Discussion of WSDA Pesticide Penalty Matrix and Associated Rules
9:00 am Introduction of Participants
9:15 am Overview of the purpose of meeting
-Scope of rules being reviewed/limitations on discussion.
-Brief review of current rules and matrix, and their application last several years
9:30 am Input from the Stakeholder group regarding current penalty rules and matrix
(Concerns, needs, perception, effectiveness)
10:00 am Some other state’s rules and matrices, for a comparison
10:15 am WSDA proposal for a “Base” penalty concept for human exposure & other violations
11:00 am Discussion on proposal and any input received
11:30 am Closing & Preparation for next Teams meeting, November 30, 2021