WSLCB - Board Meeting
(March 20, 2019)

Wednesday March 20, 2019 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Observed
WSLCB Enforcement Logo

The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) convenes a meeting of the three-member Board every two weeks to consider formal rulemaking actions and hear public testimony.


Out-of-state tribal identification cards, an upcoming QA testing rules listening session, and the WSLCB’s internal legislative reports.

Here are some observations from the Wednesday March 20th WSLCB Board Meeting. At 3.5 minutes, this was the shortest duration Board Meeting Cannabis Observer has witnessed and the current Board can recall. While there was one takeaway worth noting, we’ve included an update on the Quality Assurance Testing and Product Requirements open rulemaking and link some recently acquired public records.

My one takeaway, QA rulemaking update, and public record links:

  • The Board approved the CR-102 regarding acceptable forms of identification which allows consideration of tribal enrollment cards from federally recognized tribes outside of Washington – but only for alcohol sales (audio – 2m, video).
    • This rulemaking would modify WAC 314-11-025 to create a process whereby WSLCB Enforcement can maintain a list of approved tribal enrollment cards from outside of Washington state. WAC 314-11-025 defines acceptable forms of identification for alcohol sales.
    • This rulemaking would NOT modify WAC 314-55-150 which defines acceptable forms of identification for the retail sale of cannabis products. At publication time, the only difference between the WACs was 314-11-025(1)(c) also permitted the usage of passport cards and NEXUS cards.
    • Because the subject of the rulemaking is formally defined as 314-11-025, it is unlikely the current rulemaking could be expanded to include an update to harmonize the WACs.
    • Given the possibility of consumer confusion—and the frequency with which cannabis retail establishments are tested for compliance using identification checks—Cannabis Observer felt it was worth bringing this rulemaking to your attention.
  • WSLCB planned to solicit stakeholder input prior to finalizing the draft rules for the Quality Assurance Testing and Product Requirements CR-102.
    • On Tuesday April 9th, WSLCB Policy and Rules Coordinator Kathy Hoffman intends to host a “listening session” regarding the draft quality assurance (QA) testing rules. Based on comments made by WSLCB Director of Communications Brian Smith at the March 20th Executive Management Team meeting, a webinar invite will be shared soon.
    • First announced in August 2018, the QA rulemaking had been sidelined by an agency focus on modifications to the cannabis penalty matrix and true party of interest rules in response to pressures from the legislature. However, the Board set a goal to improve market conditions for medical cannabis products, and the QA rulemaking is the most direct route to do so.
  • Cannabis Observer has continued to request WSLCB Director of Legislative Relations Chris Thompson’s weekly legislative updates; here is the complete set for the 2019 session including three newly acquired records.

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3000 Pacific Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501, USA