The Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee (WA House COG) considers issues relating to the regulation of commerce in alcohol, tobacco and cannabis, as well as issues relating to the regulation and oversight of gaming, including tribal compacts.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(March 26, 2019)
- USA - Washington
- Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee
- WA House COG - Committee Meeting
Tuesday March 26, 2019 3:30 PM

Executive sessions were scheduled but no action was taken on SB 5298 – “Regarding labeling of marijuana products.”
- See details on SB 5298's Senate policy committee public hearing and executive session, and a Senate floor activity and amendment update. Engrossed Substitute SB 5298 (ESSB 5298) was passed by the full Senate on March 11th with two amendments. In the House, the Commerce and Gaming Committee hosted a policy committee public hearing prior to the executive session scheduled for Tuesday March 26th.
- Kyle Raymond, Committee Research Analyst, briefed the committee on a proposed amendment from Vick, 5298-S.E AMH COG RAYM 029, which “Exempts drug and pharmaceutical products approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration from the marijuana product labeling requirements of this section.” (audio – 1m, video)
- Chair Stanford informed members that the text of an amendment from him on the legislation would be emailed for their consideration (audio – 1m, video).
- Stanford said the bill “will be something we will come back to at our next meeting.” At the time of publication, ESSB 5298 was scheduled for executive session on April 2nd at 3:30pm (audio – 1m, video).
On Tuesday, March 26th, House Commerce and Gaming Committee held an executive session for SB 5276, “Concerning hemp production,” which saw the bill amended and passed.
- SB 5276 was amended and passed during the House policy committee’s executive session.
- Clodfelter outlined two amendments for the bill (audio – 3m, video): 5276-S2.E AMH COG H2541.1 from Committee Chair Derek Stanford:
- Amends the definition of postharvest test to specify that one of the authorized postharvest tests of hemp is a test of hemp based on whole ground plant samples without heat applied.
- Provides that all receipts from fees established under the new hemp program are deposited in the Hemp Regulatory Account, rather than referencing only receipts from license fees.
- Eliminates the requirement that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) must have approved Washington’s hemp plan submitted to the USDA before the Washington State Department of Agriculture must engage in expedited rule making to adopt the state hemp plan.
- Removes the prohibition in the existing Industrial Hemp Research Program on processing industrial hemp, except seed, as food, extract, oil, cake, concentrate, resin, or other preparation for topical use, oral consumption, or inhalation by humans.
- 5276-S2.E AMH COG H2542.1 from Ranking Member Drew MacEwen:
- Removes the phrase “that are allowable under federal law” from the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s (WSDA) new obligation to regulate the processing of hemp for food products, so the WSDA must regulate the processing of hemp for food products in the same manner as other food processing without regard to whether the food products are allowable under federal law. Prohibits the WSDA from considering foods containing hemp to be adulterated when produced in compliance with state law and the WSDA’s rules.
- Discussing his proposed amendment, Stanford said H2541.1 would “add a few changes to the timing of how various bits of this bill go into effect and change some of the language to line up with the House version of the bill that we passed out of here.” The amendment was unanimously adopted by voice vote (audio – 1m, video).
- MacEwen said his proposed amendment, H2542.1, would also “[line] the Senate bill up” with HB 1401, passed by the committee on February 19th. Stanford concurred and the amendment was unanimously adopted by voice vote (audio – 1m, video).
- Clodfelter outlined two amendments for the bill (audio – 3m, video): 5276-S2.E AMH COG H2541.1 from Committee Chair Derek Stanford:
- Commenting on the newly amended bill before the committee, Stanford said it “takes advantage of changes in federal law” on hemp and “allows more options for agriculture” which would benefit the state economy. MacEwen seconded that view and the bill received a unanimous “do pass” recommendation (audio – 1m, video).
- E2SSB 5276 was referred to the House Rules Committee for potential next steps.