WSLCB - Focus Group - Minors on Wholesale Licensed Premises
(September 16, 2024)

Monday September 16, 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Observed
WSLCB Enforcement Logo

As part of Liquor and Cannabis Board’s (LCB) ongoing rulemaking related to petitions accepted in 2022 to allow minors on non-retail cannabis premises based on an expired COVID allowance, the agency is hosting two online stakeholder sessions to discuss conceptual rule frameworks to be used as the basis for rule changes as part of the rulemaking process.

The two sessions are the same and cover the conceptual rule framework for two scenarios:

  •  Minors who are children or grandchildren of licensees
  •  Minors who are employees of contractors working on a cannabis premises
from the event announcement (September 6, 2024)

Information Set

Segment - 01 - Introduction - Denise Laflamme (1m 33s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 02 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Question - Children of Employees - Caitlein Ryan (2m 1s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 03 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Introduction - Denise Laflamme (6m 15s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 04 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Question - COVID Allowance Complaints and Enforcement Actions - Gregory Foster (54s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 05 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Comment - Children of Employees - Micah Sherman (1m 37s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 06 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - CANNRA Perspective - Denise Laflamme (1m 4s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 07 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Question - Restrictions by Area of Licensed Premise - Caitlen Ryan (2m 3s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 08 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Comment - Alcohol Statutory Exemptions - Daniel Jacobs (1m 42s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 09 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Comment - Children of Employees - Micah Sherman (4m 32s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 10 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Question - Public Health and Prevention Perspectives - Gregory Foster (48s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 11 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Comment - Youth Access - Abigail Wells (1m 21s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 12 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Comment - Children in Foster Care - Kyler McGee (3m 22s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 13 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Comment - Children of Licensees - Caitlein Ryan (3m 34s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 14 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Question - Federal Funding of State Foster Care Programs - Daniel Jacobs (57s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 15 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Question - Children of Licensees - Denise Laflamme (2m 22s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 16 - Children and Grandchildren of Licensees - Wrapping Up - Denise Laflamme (40s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 17 - Break (12m 2s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 18 - Employees of Contractors - Introduction - Denise Laflamme (13m 23s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 19 - Employees of Contractors - Introduction - Definition of Qualified Contractors - Denise Laflamme (5m 47s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 20 - Employees of Contractors - Question - Allowing Particular Contractors - Micah Sherman (6m 15s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 21 - Employees of Contractors - Question - Types of Contractors - Denise Laflamme (2m 50s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 22 - Employees of Contractors - Comment - Exclusionary List - Caitlein Ryan (45s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 23 - Employees of Contractors - Question - Relevant Alcohol Language - Micah Sherman (2m 19s) InfoSet ]
Segment - 24 - Wrapping Up - Denise Laflamme (1m 44s) InfoSet ]

Engagement Options


Number: (833) 322-1218
Conference ID: 103 542 364#
