JLARC - Committee Meeting
(May 14, 2025)

Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Washington State Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC) - Logo

The Washington State Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC) works to make state government operations more effective, efficient, and accountable. The Committee is comprised of an equal number of House and Senate members, Democrats and Republicans. JLARC pursues its mission by conducting performance audits, program evaluations, sunset reviews, and other analyses. Assignments to conduct studies are made by the Legislature and the Committee itself. Based on these assignments, JLARC’s non-partisan staff auditors, under the direction of the Legislative Auditor, independently seek answers to audit questions and issue recommendations to improve performance.

Report Presentations

  • "Cannabis Market Study - Preliminary Report"


No timeline elements available at this time

Engagement Options


Cherberg Building, 15th Avenue Southwest, Olympia, WA, USA

Senate Hearing Room 4 (SHR 4)
