WA DOH - SUD Certification Advisory Committee - Business Meeting
(May 7, 2021)

Friday May 7, 2021 9:00 AM Observed
Washington State Department of Health (DOH) Logo

The Washington State Department of Health Substance Use Disorder Certification Advisory Committee (WA DOH - SUD Certification Advisory Committee) was originally established in 1998 as the Chemical Dependency Advisory Committee. Renamed in 2019, the Committee's purpose as defined in RCW 18.205.080 remains "to further the purposes of this chapter" regarding certification of substance use disorder professionals, trainees, and co-occurring disorder specialists.

Engagement Options


Number: 1.564.999.2000
Conference ID: 218 336 088

Information Set

  • Agenda - v1 (Apr 27, 2021) [ Info ]
  • WA DOH - SUD Certification Advisory Committee - Business Meeting - General InformationInfoSet ]
    • No information available at this time