WA House - Session - Evening
(February 16, 2020)

Sunday February 16, 2020 8:00 PM - 9:42 PM Observed
Washington State House of Representatives Logo

The Washington State House of Representatives (WA House) convenes floor sessions to read, debate, amend, and vote on legislation.

2nd Reading

During its 2nd reading, a bill returned from committee is presented for members to offer amendments. Should a bill's amendments by committee action or floor activity be adopted, the changed legislation is referred to as an engrossed bill.

  • HB 2870 - "Allowing additional marijuana retail licenses for social equity purposes."

3rd Reading & Vote

During its 3rd reading, members can speak for or against a bill's passage. A final roll call vote is taken by machine and then read to the chamber.

  • HB 2870 - "Allowing additional marijuana retail licenses for social equity purposes."


The House passed HB 2870 - "Allowing additional marijuana retail licenses for social equity purposes."

  • Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins presided over adoption of the substitute version of the bill followed by sponsoring Representative Eric Pettigrew proposing a striking amendment that made "changes that the [Washington State Office of the Attorney General (OAG)] wanted" (video).
  • The amendment was adopted by voice vote and the bill placed on third reading.
  • Pettigrew described the bill as an "attempt" by WSLCB and the legislature to "make the access to the marijuana licenses more equitable."
  • Representative Drew MacEwen offered remarks saying "there were unfortunate issues that arose early on in this process that were frankly the result of other things that happened over the decade when it came to drug enforcement and those issues perpetrated themselves in another manner then when we legalized it." However, he said some in his caucus believed the bill to be "rushed through at the end" and had concerns significant enough to oppose the bill.
  • The final roll call vote passed the legislation out of the House by a vote of 55 yeas, 41 nays, and two excused. The legislation's next step would be delivery to the state Senate.