WSLCB - Board Caucus
(July 31, 2018)

Tuesday July 31, 2018 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Observed
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The three-member board of the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) meets weekly in caucus to discuss current issues and receive invited briefings from agency staff.


The Board heard reports from the Director of Licensing and a rulemaking update from the Policy and Rules Coordinator.

Here are some observations from the Tuesday July 31st Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) Board Caucus.

My top 3 takeaways:

  • Updates from WSLCB Policy and Rules Coordinator Joanna Eide (transcript, audio).
    • The Board signed off on a final response to the True Party of Interest (TPI) petition it recently received (Board Decision). The reply to attorney Orion Inskip from Gleam Law, is that the petition raises valid points, but there are other considerations; the WSLCB will incorporate the request into current rulemaking.
    • Overview of THC homogenization in infused edibles. Eide explained some edibles processors had inquired if rules allowed for THC to be applied via spraying to an existing food stuff. Eide said that WAC 314-55-077 (5)(c) states:  “…edible products must be homogenized to ensure uniform disbursement of cannabinoids throughout the product.” Eide noted these processes are being reviewed by the Department of Agriculture, but she was concerned surface-only THC application would create confusion for customer dosage & increase chances of accidental child ingestion.
  • Director of Licensing Becky Smith told Board Members about license forfeiture deadline extensions (transcript, audio).
    • Licensing decided there were extenuating circumstances and was preparing to offer retail license forfeiture extensions to three licensees who met these criteria: a request for an extension; showed due-diligence in monthly status updates; and acquired their license within the last year. Extensions vary from several weeks. Licensees are being notified by phone, with a follow up email and letter.
    • Becky Smith on licensees failing to meet extension deadline: I would be really surprised if these three, because one of them’s at final inspection right now… And the other one’s on their way to final inspection, and then the last one.. ..yeah, the September one, is even further out, and I think they’re the furthest out.”
  • Member Ollie Garrett talked about a Thursday conference call with Minority Business Workgroup representatives (transcript, audio).
    • Garrett’s call started with an agenda proposed by licensee Tony Ives (Agenda). The group proposed a survey of all licensees and discussed methods for getting a high response rate. Responses will inform the workgroup’s efforts in the next legislative session and help WSLCB understand what it can achieve within its authority.
    • Board Executive Assistant Dustin Dickson is updating licensee demographics with background check information. Garrett requested a clear focus on identifying businesses which are majority-owned by minorities.

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3000 Pacific Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501, USA