The State of Washington is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States of America.
USA - Washington
WA Legislature - Update
(March 7, 2025)
With six days to go before the House of Origin cutoff, six cannabis-related bills awaited calendaring and floor action to remain active during the 2025 regular session.
WA Legislature - Update
(March 6, 2025)
The social equity program evaluation bill was advanced, preliminary schedules for the following week were published, and legislators prepared for another day of floor activity ahead of the next cutoff.
WA Legislature - Update
(March 5, 2025)
An informative work session on Monday regarding ESOPs intrigued House leaders as legislators prepared to cross the midpoint of the 105 day regular session one week before the House of Origin cutoff.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(February 26, 2025) - Summary
Agency leaders addressed data dashboards, rulemaking, a new Policy and Rules Manager, a city government presentation, legislative deadlines, and revised media rules from the governor.
WA Legislature - Update
(March 4, 2025)
Starting at 8am, the primary cannabis policy committee in the House would learn about ESOPs from invited experts before legislators took up floor activity in both chambers.
The Week Ahead
(March 3, 2024)
As legislators considered moving legislation out of the house of origin including nine cannabis-related bills, WSLCB members would discuss “Efficiencies” in their public meetings.
WA Legislature - Update
(March 3, 2025)
Nine cannabis-related bills remained active after the prior cutoff as legislators turned their attention to moving remaining legislation out of the chamber of origin over the following week and half.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 28, 2025)
The retail signage legislation was advanced but it seemed likely four other cannabis-related bills would not make it through the House of Origin Fiscal Committee Cutoff gateway by the close of business Friday.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 27, 2025)
Cannabis-related legislation had mostly been paused ahead of the House of Origin Fiscal Committee Cutoff on Friday, but the cannabis retailer advertising bill was positioned for movement on Thursday.
WA House APP - Committee Meeting
(February 25, 2025) - HB 1449 - Public Hearing
Home growing supporters took issue with the cost and need for a traceability requirement amended into the bill which did nothing to lessen opponents’ safety and revenue concerns.