The State of Washington is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States of America.
USA - Washington
WA Legislature - Update
(February 17, 2025)
Legislation creating social equity buffer zones could be fast tracked and out of state ownership would be heard in the Senate, but many cannabis-related bills remained at risk before the first cutoff on Friday.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 14, 2025)
Wrapping up the first five weeks of the 2025 session, committee schedules for the final week before the first cutoff were filling up prompting reshuffling and winnowing of legislative priorities.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 13, 2025)
The House passed data dashboard legislation, action was deferred on two bills, and preliminary schedules for the final week before the first cutoff indicated many cannabis-related bills may be left behind.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 12, 2025)
The lab certification bill was advanced, new introductions were drying up before the first cutoff, two bills were positioned for execs on Wednesday, and the data dashboard bill could be passed by the House.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 11, 2025)
Retail advertising concerns drew out public health and prevention representatives, two new bills were staged for introduction, and legislation to clarify authority over testing labs may be moved on Tuesday.
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting
(February 10, 2025) - WSLCB Work Sessions
A WSLCB staffer talked about retail ownership constraints as well as the social equity program before lawmakers raised general observations and specific questions.
The Week Ahead
(February 10, 2024)
Three cannabis-related bills were scheduled to be heard and four executive sessions were planned for the week which would include cancellations of most regular WSLCB meetings.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 10, 2025)
Three cannabis-related bills had execs pulled, a social consumption event bill was staged for introduction, and Monday senators would hear about indirect retail ownership agreements and local zoning restrictions.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 7, 2025)
Perspectives about cannabis were shared during psychedelic substance hearings Thursday, and two new bills were staged for introduction on Friday including an overhaul of WSLCB enforcement priorities.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 5, 2025)
Legislators heard testimony on five cannabis-related bills on Tuesday, a variant on the impaired driving bill was readied for introduction, and WSLCB leaders would be called upon to provide “technology updates.”