Legislators appeared in no hurry to consider cannabis-related bills from the opposite house but regulatory bodies planned to provide updates and signal research directions.
Here’s a look at cannabis-related policymaking events on the calendar in the week ahead.
Monday March 17th
No cannabis-related policymaking events planned. See the WA Legislature Update for Monday March 17th for more details.
Tuesday March 18th
WSLCB - Board Caucus
On Tuesday at 10am PT, the weekly Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) Board Caucus was scheduled to recur.
- [ Event Details ]
- According to the agenda, members planned to hear updates on legislative affairs, the social equity program, and the research program.
- Representatives from the WSLCB Licensing division presented information about the social equity program to the City of Lynnwood Planning Commission on Thursday March 13th as the commissioners debated a draft recommendation to allow retail cannabis sales within city limits in the event of lifting a ban on cannabis businesses which had been in place since 2013.
- The draft recommendation would be presented to the Lynnwood City Council, at their Monday March 24th meeting and likely after having undergone review and discussion during their work session on March 17th or March 19th.
Wednesday March 19th
UW ADAI - Webinar - CHS
On Wednesday at 12pm PT, the University of Washington Addictions, Drug, and Alcohol Institute (UW ADAI) planned to host a webinar on cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (CHS).
- [ Event Details ]
- “Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS): Understanding an Emerging Public Health Challenge” with CReDO Founder/CEO Ethan Russo.
- The webinar registration indicated, “This webinar will provide an overview of Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), a constellation of intractable vomiting, and abdominal pain and hot bathing behavior that solely occurs in the context of certain heavy chronic use of THC-predominant cannabis ,including synthetic cannabinoids. Whereas multiple etiological theories of its causation have been advanced (e.g., pesticide or neem exposure), these have been largely debunked. CHS is associated with frequent emergency department visits with high associated expense (>$90K USD). Considerable morbidity and even some fatalities have been reported. The definitive treatment is abstention from cannabis usage, but parenteral haloperidol and cutaneous application of capsaicin ointment can provide symptomatic relief.”
WA House CPB - Committee Meeting
On Wednesday at 1:30pm PT, the Washington State House Consumer Protection and Business Committee (WA House CPB) was scheduled to convene.
- [ Event Details ]
- Public Hearing
- SB 5758 - Social Equity Buffer Zones
- Introduced on Monday February 17th by Senator Rebecca Saldaña, the legislation aimed to create less restrictive buffer zones for licenses issued under the cannabis social equity program in RCW 69.50.335(1).
- See the bill text, bill report, and fiscal note for more details.
- During the public hearing in the Washington State Senate Labor and Commerce Committee (WA Senate LC) on Tuesday February 18th, proponents backed the move to help facilitate social equity retail ownership in contested and prohibitively zoned jurisdictions. The measure was opposed by some established cannabis sector interests and at least one licensed equity business.
- During the executive session on Friday February 21st, members adopted a proposed substitute by Ranking Member Curtis King which retained the language preventing local governments from creating ordinances requiring social equity businesses to locate more than 250’ from other retailers, but struck the provision halving the distance requirement from protected zones. Saldaña supported the proposed substitute as “a step forward” while pointing to local bans and moratoria as a larger concern worthy of attention.
- The committee report was read during the pro forma floor session on Friday afternoon and the legislation was referred to the Washington State Senate Rules Committee (WA Senate RULE) for calendaring. On Monday March 10th, the bill was calendared as part of a regular package pull.
- On Wednesday March 12th, senators passed the legislation unchanged along largely partisan lines and the bill was introduced in the House on Friday March 14th.
- Introduced on Monday February 17th by Senator Rebecca Saldaña, the legislation aimed to create less restrictive buffer zones for licenses issued under the cannabis social equity program in RCW 69.50.335(1).
- SB 5758 - Social Equity Buffer Zones
Thursday March 20th
WTSC - Webinar - Research Round-Up
On Thursday at 4pm PT, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) planned to host a “Research Round-Up Webinar.”
- [ Event Details ]
- The event announcement indicated, "The Washington Traffic Safety Commission invites you to join us as we share recent findings from WTSC-funded research projects aimed at enhancing traffic safety across Washington State. This engaging webinar will feature in-depth presentations by University of Washington researchers who will discuss study insights, key findings, and traffic safety implications. Discover how these research projects are shaping the traffic safety and explore opportunities to collaborate and implement data-driven solutions in your own work."
- Two presentations were planned, neither of which were overtly cannabis-related:
- "Are the Drivers we Ticket Really Riskier? Traffic Citations and Crash Culpability"
- University of Washington Department of Epidemiology Associate Professor Stephen Mooney
- "E-scooter Injury in Seattle"
- Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center / Washington State Department of Health Injury Epidemiologist Xinyao deGrauw
- "Are the Drivers we Ticket Really Riskier? Traffic Citations and Crash Culpability"
Friday March 21st
WA House CPB - Committee Meeting
The planned Washington State House Consumer Protection and Business Committee (WA House CPB) Committee Meeting was cancelled.
- [ Event Details ]
- Work Session
- “Emerging Issues in Consumer Protection”
WA Senate LC - Committee Meeting
On Friday at 8am PT, the Washington State Senate Labor and Commerce Committee (WA Senate LC) was scheduled to convene.
- [ Event Details ]
- Executive Session
- HB 1341 - DOH Patient Data Sharing
- It was likely the intent of committee leadership to advance the bill without a public hearing as the language remained identical to the companion SB 5700 heard on February 10th.
- SGA 9188 - Confirmation - Jim Vollendroff
- On February 21st, WA Senate LC members heard Vollendroff’s opening remarks and had several probing questions regarding the perspective he brought to the agency, his opinion on the board structure, and his willingness to work with legislators.
- SGA 9203 - Confirmation - Pete Holmes
- On Friday March 14th during the public hearing on his confirmation, Holmes offered brief opening remarks describing his background and perspectives on the role, indicating he planned to not only reinforce public safety but also support licensed businesses towards success.
- HB 1341 - DOH Patient Data Sharing
WA Pharmacy Commission - Legislative Review
On Friday at 12pm PT, the weekly Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (WA Pharmacy Commission) Legislative Review was scheduled to recur.
- [ Event Details ]
- Commissioners cancelled their previous two meetings.