The first cannabis-related bill scheduled for a public hearing by the opposite house in 2025 was SB 5758 concerning revision of local buffer zones to assist social equity business siting.
Here are some observations of the Washington State Legislature (WA Legislature) for Wednesday March 19th, the 66th day of the 2025 regular session.
My top 2 takeaways:
- There were no introductions of cannabis-related legislation on Tuesday, and none planned on Wednesday.
- The draft introduction reports in the House and the Senate for Wednesday March 19th did not appear to include any cannabis-related legislation.
- On Wednesday, the Washington State House Consumer Protection and Business Committee (WA House CPB) planned to hear public testimony on senate legislation to revise buffer zones for social equity businesses.
- 1:30pm: WA House CPB - Committee Meeting [ Event Details ]
- Public Hearing
- SB 5758 - Social Equity Buffer Zones
- Introduced on Monday February 17th by Senator Rebecca Saldaña, the legislation aimed to create less restrictive buffer zones for licenses issued under the cannabis social equity program in RCW 69.50.335(1).
- See the bill text, bill report, and fiscal note for more details.
- During the public hearing in the Washington State Senate Labor and Commerce Committee (WA Senate LC) on Tuesday February 18th, proponents backed the move to help facilitate social equity retail ownership in contested and prohibitively zoned jurisdictions. The measure was opposed by some established cannabis sector interests and at least one licensed equity business.
- During the executive session on Friday February 21st, members adopted a proposed substitute by Ranking Member Curtis King which retained the language preventing local governments from creating ordinances requiring social equity businesses to locate more than 250’ from other retailers, but struck the provision halving the distance requirement from protected zones. Saldaña supported the proposed substitute as “a step forward” while pointing to local bans and moratoria as a larger concern worthy of attention.
- The committee report was read during the pro forma floor session on Friday afternoon and the legislation was referred to the Washington State Senate Rules Committee (WA Senate RULE) for calendaring. On Monday March 10th, the bill was calendared as part of a regular package pull.
- On Wednesday March 12th, senators passed the legislation unchanged along largely partisan lines and the bill was introduced in the House on Friday March 14th.
- Introduced on Monday February 17th by Senator Rebecca Saldaña, the legislation aimed to create less restrictive buffer zones for licenses issued under the cannabis social equity program in RCW 69.50.335(1).
- SB 5758 - Social Equity Buffer Zones
- Public Hearing
- 1:30pm: WA House CPB - Committee Meeting [ Event Details ]