DOE - Cannabis Science Task Force Steering Committee
(September 17, 2020) - Initial Update

In addition to work group updates, Chair Annette Hoffmann described her presentation to legislators and the Committee passed a previously tabled motion from the Proficiency Testing Work Group.

  • Hoffmann was invited to the Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee Work Session on September 15th to present an update on the progress of the Cannabis Science Task Force (CSTF). In her presentation, she described the CSTF’s provenance, structure, progress, and specifically addressed legislator desires to shrink the multi-year timeline the Department of Ecology (DOE) requested to facilitate transition of responsibility for cannabis science testing laboratory accreditation from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) to the Department (audio - 13m). During the CSTF Steering Committee meeting, she briefly recounted her experience for the gathered members (audio - 3m).
  • At the August 20th CSTF Steering Committee meeting, the Proficiency Testing Work Group lead, DOE Chemist Ryan Zboralski, suggested a motion seeking to normalize lab accreditation testing by parameter (cannabis product category) in addition to analyte and method. That motion was tabled after long discussion (audio - 1h 11m). Following up, Zboralski presented more information about the motion, which was subsequently passed by the Steering Committee (audio - 33m).
  • Hear Cannabis Observer’s segmented audio below, and we’ll continue to archive meeting materials as we request and acquire them.
