WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(September 16, 2020) - Cannabis Regulators Association

Director Rick Garza noted that the Cannabis Regulators Association had been formed with officials from 17 member states.

  • The potential for formation of an association of cannabis regulators had been percolating for some time as Garza brought up the possibility on January 8th during a debriefing on the previous Regulators Roundtable. On August 4th, Garza mentioned the subject again, at that time forecasting “20 states and more” would likely join the organization to begin with.
  • Following his update on the virtual August 2020 Regulators Roundtable, Garza said the new Cannabis Regulators Association was established, comprising 17 member states as a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization incorporated in Oregon (audio - 3m).
  • Garza reported that Oregon Liquor Control Commission Executive Director Steve Marks had taken the lead on incorporating the group. A “constitution, by-laws, articles of incorporation were approved” in the week following the roundtable and an Executive Committee was elected.
    • At publication time, Cannabis Observer could not locate records which would indicate the association had been registered with the State of Oregon.
  • The new association hoped to “affiliate” with the Council of State Governments (CSG) and planned to meet with their representatives to write a memorandum of understanding (MOU). “The reason we think that’s important is because that allows services for us to use” such as hiring a part-time director.
  • Board Chair Jane Rushford asked whether Garza had been elected as one of the association’s first officers. Somewhat cagily, Garza didn’t directly answer but promised a forthcoming “press release that will share the formation of the association, kind of our principles, and our by-laws, and why we formed. And when we do that we’ll share who the officers are.”
