The Board convened a quick caucus meeting and briefly discussed the upcoming deliberative dialogue sessions, a new rulemaking engagement paradigm at the agency.
- WSLCB Policy and Rules Manager Kathy Hoffman said the agency had received “a tremendous amount of feedback” in preparation for its initial deliberative dialogue sessions to further inform the long-running Quality Control (QC) Testing and Product Requirements rulemaking project (audio - 2m).
- On January 6th, agency staff announced their intention to host three separate discussions about the QC rulemaking project with panelists representing different stakeholder groups: consumers, licensees, and laboratories. Each session would be mediated by Hoffman using a structured conversational technique called “deliberative dialogue” intended to move participants towards shared understanding and appreciation for a diversity of perspectives.
- January 28th: Consumer Panel
- February 4th: Licensees
- February 11th: Accredited Testing Laboratories
- The deliberative dialogue sessions depend on recruitment of panelists eager to share their perspectives, listen, and engage with Hoffman and public participants. Interested parties can apply to participate before 5pm PT on Wednesday January 20th.
- On January 6th, agency staff announced their intention to host three separate discussions about the QC rulemaking project with panelists representing different stakeholder groups: consumers, licensees, and laboratories. Each session would be mediated by Hoffman using a structured conversational technique called “deliberative dialogue” intended to move participants towards shared understanding and appreciation for a diversity of perspectives.
- Board Member Russ Hauge was not present and WSLCB Director Rick Garza was unable to connect to the webinar to provide an agency update. Rushford hoped Garza would be available the following week.