WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(May 11, 2022) - Cannabis Retail Safety and Enforcement

WSLCB - Enforcement and Education Data (April 2022)

A comprehensive Enforcement and Education briefing delved into that division’s work in 2022 before staff updated on federal banking legislation and media engagements at the agency.

Here are some observations from the Wednesday May 11th Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) Executive Management Team (EMT) meeting.

My top 3 takeaways:

  • Director of Communications Brian Smith discussed media inquiries around cannabis retail safety, social equity rulemaking, and rule implementation (audio - 5m, WSLCB video, TVW video). 
    • Smith considered media outreach to have been “consistent for the last month" with one or two inquiries coming in each day and robberies continuing as "one of the hotter topics that the media wants to talk about."
      • Smith promised that besides announcing their partnership with Setracon and WSCPA to address the “onslaught of armed robberies,” his team would send out updates to licensees in the coming days.
      • Cannabis Observer previously speculated that the March 19th killing of Tacoma budtender Jordan Brown during a robbery may have been a watershed moment in public attention on cannabis business robberies. In the two weeks prior to his killing, 16 armed robberies and one attempted robbery were identified in Uncle Ike's spreadsheet. In the weeks since Brown died only five robberies, and one “smash and grab,” had been identified at time of publication. 
    • Following the withdrawal of social equity rulemaking earlier during the board meeting, Smith commented that he’d heard “immediately” from "a legal…media organization that follows our stuff” wanting comment on the action. He added that agency social equity resources had been updated to reflect the rulemaking postponement.
    • On HB 1210 Implementation, he pointed out that Jessica Dang, WSLCB Policy and Performance Manager—who joined the agency in Marchwas working to update the agency website and documentation. Smith expected the process to be concluded along with the expedited rulemaking in August.
