Three timely takeaways show truth can be stranger than fiction when it comes to the Washington State Legislature.
Today is April Fools’ Day, an annual safe harbor for hoaxes honored in some cultures. In contemporary times, journalists use the opportunity to fabricate amusing stories which can be truthful in foolish ways. Cannabis Observer fully intended to participate, but truth is often stranger than fiction. Here are some observations appropriate for All Fools’ Day.
My top 3 takeaways:
On Thursday March 28th, Representative Drew MacEwan introduced HB 2160, “Restructuring the liquor and cannabis board.”
- HB 2160 would eliminate the three-member Board and rename the agency the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Department (WSLCD).
On Monday April 1st, the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee hosted a public hearing for SB 5985, “Concerning provisions impacting marijuana business licensees,”
- SB 5985 stitches together parts of three prior bills which did not progress by the usual means past the house of origin cutoff on March 13th. SB 5985 was introduced March 14th and obscurely designated “necessary to implement the budget” (NTIB), a largely undocumented parliamentary procedure some allege is frequently used to enable legislators to continue working on particular bills outside of the procedural time constraints imposed on most bills. Cannabis Observer testified at the public hearing was broadcast on TVW.
On Monday April 1st, the House Commerce and Gaming Committee hosted speakers at a work session titled “Examining the Regulation and Science of Cannabidiol (CBD) and CBD Products.”
- Notable speakers from the University of Washington, the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA), the Department of Health (DOH), and the WSLCB will formally present their perspectives and engage with lawmakers. It’s Cannabis Observer’s understanding that no industry perspective was originally requested by the House lawmakers – but last minute lobbying by The Cannabis Alliance is alleged to have created room at the table for the non-profit and the Washington CannaBusiness Association (WACA).