WSLCB - Special Board Meeting
(June 1, 2023) - Hiring New Director

After a months-long search, a Colorado cannabis regulator was voted in as the new agency director to the satisfaction of board members.

Here are some observations from the Thursday June 1st Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) Special Board Meeting.

My top 2 takeaways:

  • Board Chair David Postman named the incoming Director as Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division (CO MED) Deputy Chief of Licensing Investigations and Operations William Lukela before a formal vote to hire him, and the board offered comments on their appreciation of the process and outcome.
    • Postman announced that the “purpose of this meeting is to take final action on the hiring of the new director,” and they were prepared to hire Lukela following “successful” negotiations (2m, video - TVW).
    • Postman asked for a motion regarding an offer to hire Lukela “for an annual salary of $170,000 a year.” Board Member Ollie Garrett made the motion which was passed unanimously (1m, video - TVW).
    • Praising “some great candidates with a variety of backgrounds” who’d engaged in their process, Postman had been “really impressed” with the caliber of everyone they’d considered, but Lukela’s "energy and passion" showed through. Postman mentioned that Lukela would formally begin as director on July 10th, but planned to be present the following week “for the all-employee gathering that we have on Tuesday” June 6th along with his wife as they planned to move to the area (1m, video - TVW).
    • Garrett concurred that it had been an "extensive hiring process" but she’d been similarly "very impressed" by Lukela. She was “looking forward to now move on and with a new director and get everything going” (1m, video - TVW).
    • Board Member Jim Vollendroff was also happy with the move, stating their vetting process featured “comments from the public, we allowed staff internally to have opportunity to interface with the candidates, and I was extremely impressed with the overall quality and diversity of the candidate pool. I've been involved in a lot of hires of director level positions, and you don't always come out with the same quality that we did” (1m, video - TVW).
    • Despite many worthy candidates, Postman remarked that board members had focused on “what…we really were looking for and who would stand out there.” He thanked Human Resources Director Anita Bingham “as well as Dennis and Marissa Karras who we had hired to do the recruiting” for their contributions to the process. He said that Lukela would “start to come to a board meeting, and start meeting the public as well. Don't everybody pounce on him at once, but once he's in the office we’ll start helping him schedule some meetings with stakeholders and tribes and others to get to know people” (1m, video - TVW).
    • While not present at the meeting, in a WSLCB bulletin confirming his hiring, Lukela commented: “I am very excited to join my new colleagues at [WSLCB].  As the two pioneering states in the legalization of adult-use cannabis, Washington and Colorado face similar challenges. I will continue to build on the impressive work of the agency across all regulated industries and pledge to work collaboratively with staff and stakeholders to build their trust and support through transparency.”
