On March 28th, the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee held an executive session for HB 1094, “Establishing compassionate care renewals for medical marijuana qualifying patients,” which saw the bill amended and passed.
- HB 1094 was amended and passed during its Senate policy committee executive session.
- Rogers briefed members on 1094-S.E AMS LBRC S3267.1, an amendment from Senator Curtis King (audio – 1m, video):
- Restores the provisions of the original bill that allowed a qualifying patient to be exempt from the requirement to have an in-person physical examination when seeking to renew a medical marijuana authorization if a health care professional finds that an in-person examination would likely result in a severe hardship to the qualifying patient and a physical examination is performed with telemedicine technology. Allows the compassionate care renewals to take effect on November 1, 2019.
- Rogers briefed members on 1094-S.E AMS LBRC S3267.1, an amendment from Senator Curtis King (audio – 1m, video):
- King said the amendment “takes us back to where we were in the Senate bill and allows telemedicine to be used” to maintain authorizations. He claimed the amendment “resolves this issue in a reasonable manner” and Keiser seconded his comments.
- The amendment was adopted and the amended bill passed by unanimous voice vote. ESHB 1094 was referred to the Senate Ways and Means Committee with a “Do Pass” recommendation (audio – 2m, video).