The Week Ahead
(September 3, 2024)

Washington Prevention Research Collaborative (WA HCA PRC) - SB 5376 Implementation - Cannabis Waste

A long-time leader in the prevention community would co-chair their final meeting of the State research collaborative the same day as a focus group on implementing the cannabis waste bill.

Here’s a look at cannabis-related policymaking events on the calendar in the week ahead.

Tuesday September 3rd

WSLCB - Board Caucus

On Tuesday at 10am PT, the weekly Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) Board Caucus was scheduled to recur.

  • [ Event Details ]
  • During caucus on Tuesday August 27th, the board received rulemaking updates in preparation for their board meeting the following day where, b​esides a call for minor changes to rules implementing a patient tax exemption, board members heard about an alleged “bait and switch” tactic being used on some equity applicants.
  • According to the agenda for Tuesday’s caucus, the board solely intended to convene in executive session for “litigation review.”

Wednesday September 4th

WA HCA PRC - Quarterly Meeting

On Wednesday at 10:35am PT, the Washington State Health Care Authority Prevention Research Collaborative (WA HCA PRC) was scheduled to convene their quarterly meeting.

  • [ Event Details ]
  • Wednesday would occasion WA HCA PRC Co-Chair Kevin Haggerty’s final meeting ahead of his retirement.  Haggerty was one of the original organizers of the Prevention Research Subcommittee more than twenty years prior, and the person who introduced the idea of allowing Cannabis Observer to attend the events in late 2023.
    • Some participants do not consent to allowing Cannabis Observer to record the proceedings.
  • The agenda for Wednesday’s meeting allocates one hour for a presentation from the WSLCB Research Program.

WSLCB - Focus Group - SB 5376 Implementation

On Wednesday at 1pm PT, WSLCB Policy and Rules staff planned to host a focus group on the SB 5376 Implementation (cannabis waste) rulemaking project.

  • [ Event Details, Rulemaking Project ]
  • According to the announcement sent on Wednesday August 28th, the session was scheduled “to review and discuss draft rule language being considered for the CR-102 filing. Feedback from this session will help refine the rules before the planned filing date of Sept. 11, 2024. This session includes a review of the draft rules, an opportunity to provide input, and time for questions and answers.”
  • The original version of the draft rules, published on Tuesday August 27th, were replaced with a revised version (redline markup) on Friday August 30th, although no announcement was made.  The revised version largely provided technical cleanup of the rule text, though a few substantive changes were effected; see this side-by-side comparison.

Thursday September 5th

At publication time, no cannabis-related policymaking events were scheduled.

Friday September 6th

At publication time, no cannabis-related policymaking events were scheduled.