WA Legislature - Opposite House Cutoff
(April 13, 2019) - HB 2052
On Saturday April 13th, HB 2052 was passed by the Senate with a vote of 44 yeas, one nay, and four absent or excused.
On Saturday April 13th, HB 2052 was passed by the Senate with a vote of 44 yeas, one nay, and four absent or excused.
On Saturday April 13th, HB 1095 was passed by the Senate by a vote of 41 yeas, four nays, and four absent or excused.
On Monday April 15th, the Senate called HB 1401 up for its second reading then suspended rules to jump to the bill’s third reading and vote.
On Monday April 15th, ESHB 1094 was passed by the Senate with 44 yeas, one nay, and four absent or excused.
On Monday April 15th, the Senate called HB 1792 up for its second reading allowing floor amendments to be proposed, debated, and voted upon.
On Friday morning April 12th, the Washington State Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources, and Parks Committee (WA Senate AWNP) hosted an executive session for HB 1401 without hosting a public hearing for the bill and two days after the committee report cutoff.
On Tuesday April 16th, the House called SB 5318 up for its second reading allowing floor amendments to be proposed, debated, and voted upon.
On Saturday April 13th, SHB 1430 was passed by the Senate by a vote of 45 yeas, no nays, and four absent or excused.
A quiet public hearing on Mandatory Marijuana Signage plus comments on homegrow and traceability in the Cannabis 2.0 project.
Legislative and regulatory updates, an upcoming work session on social equity, and Cannabis 2.0 planning.