A new manager took over the Policy and Rules work at WSLCB and provided updates on a legislatively mandated cannabis project and a licensee survey for a rulemaking petition.
A campaign focused on reducing youth cannabis use and impaired driving was getting positive results according to the program manager who presented and answered questions.
WSLCB board members would hear an update on next steps in the agency social equity application process and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission planned to convene.
Staff went through subjects discussed during the CANNRA external stakeholder meeting, plus updates on licensing, social equity, and interest in a new traceability system.
The board heard how an environmental pesticides investigation was nearing completion along with comments from the incoming agency director and plans for staff focus groups.
WSLCB division leadership would present monthly public updates including a review of the recent CANNRA meetings, and the WA Impaired Driving Advisory Council planned to meet.
Public commenters called for greater accountability over the social equity program third-party vendor, the board’s reasoning in hiring a new director, and an update on CANNRA meetings.
An agency leader gave her final rulemaking update after announcing the new head of the Policy and Rules office; another official explained why a cannabis law wouldn’t require implementation.
WSLCB Board Members would hear staffing updates, likely from both the Research Unit as well as the Policy and Rules teams, ahead of their bi-weekly board meeting on Wednesday.
After a background on the draft rulemaking and method list for cannabis laboratory standards, stakeholders raised a lot of concerns and questions around expense and implementation.