CANNRA conference participants shared feedback from panels on markets, legal issues, inspections, and social consumption before discussing leadership opportunities in the group.
On Thursday, representatives heard—and questioned—a WSLCB history of the 502 marketplace as senators prepared executive sessions for two cannabis bills the following week.
Patients would get another chance at excise tax exemption, WSLCB leadership prepared to tell their 502 story, and only two cannabis bills were scheduled for action the following week.
Interstate commerce legislation was advanced in the Senate but delayed in the House, and cannabis packaging law changes drew support from the advocates who showed up.
The committee approved interstate cannabis commerce legislation and sent it to the chamber’s Rules Committee where it would await action on other cannabis bills.
With a review of scientific literature contracted, task force members detailed remaining concerns and discussed approaches to lobbying for draft legislation on hemp cannabinoids in food.
Legislators learned about low-THC beverages, would hear potentially significant cannabis packaging bills, and prepared to host executive sessions on interstate commerce legislation.
A bill expanding sales and possession limits for low-THC beverages got support from two industry stakeholders, but a consumer advocate dissented over suspected environmental implications.
15 cannabis bills—3x as many as were pre-filed—would be active as of Monday while the WSLCB board moved towards opening the social equity program retail application window.
Four new cannabis bills were scheduled for introduction in the senate, interstate commerce was ready to be moved in both chambers, and the social equity hearing was briefly continued.