Legislators fielded hearings on “potency” bills and home cultivation before advancing patient legislation while a companion containing provisions affecting cannabis packaging was moved.
Supportive testimony on a bill to legalize home cultivation of cannabis highlighted the restrictions in the bill, though two speakers were opposed on safety and youth access grounds.
Six cannabis bills were up for initial hearings or executive action on Thursday morning and the committee schedule for the following week was published listing activity on eight cannabis bills.
A proposed substitute to the social equity program was passed with more equity licenses to be allotted with legislative approval, extended the program end date, and revised statutory definitions.
Legislators moved four bills forward and heard two more, cannabis packaging changes may be delegated to WSLCB, and a substantial new labor bill was prepared for introduction.
The board reviewed social equity applicant webinars, denied one petition before opening rulemaking based on a different one, and heard feedback criticizing the quality of their data.
Legislators were making steady progress on 29 active cannabis-related bills, having heard five on Monday with plans to hear two more on Tuesday along with four executive sessions.
A bill adding restrictions on manufacturing and sales of hemp cannabinoid products was generally well received, but many speakers disagreed with the allowable THC limits.
Hearings on WSLCB THC legislation, cannabis waste, advertising, low dose products, patient arrest protections, local override, home grow, and the fate of concentrates were all scheduled.
WSLCB officials were peppered with questions as they discussed their regulatory practices around youth access, social equity, hemp, and agency reorganization with lawmakers.