Board members heard legislative updates, mentioned special guests attending upcoming caucuses, and discussed how to achieve prevention of 100% of retail sales to youth.
As the annual Washington State Prevention Summit was convened, WSLCB board members would hear from two prominent public health researchers and undertake planned rulemaking.
To acknowledge the 10-year anniversary of the passage of Initiative 502, WSLCB board members planned to host a discussion with Alison Holcomb, architect of the initiative.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at WSLCB were discussed along with the budding social equity program, related community engagement efforts, and request legislation for 2023.
Task force members appointed the second new co-chair in two months, heard about 2023 request legislation, then discussed and approved final recommendations from work groups.
Task force members tweaked work group recommendation language and planned for an additional meeting before their advice would be formatted for lawmakers.
As task force members and agency staff condensed their findings into legislative reports, the WSLCB policy team prepared to form a new work group on “Cannabinoid Science.”
The chair of the WA House cannabis policy committee commented on her background as well as legislative concerns and strategies she expected to hear during the 2023 session.
The task force received an overview of cannabis extraction and product formulation processes and heard status reports from two work groups as an October 31st deadline drew near.
Three Democratic state legislators shared their views on research and pushing legislation around cannabis products with high cannabinoid concentrations, if re-elected.