The board chair responded to public comments on incentivizing coronavirus vaccination, the safety of converting hemp distillate into THC, and inaction towards business normalization.
A presentation and discussion on retail store allotments surveyed available licenses and the results of outreach by agency staff to jurisdictions maintaining local bans and moratoria.
Board members shared their evolving understanding of the conversion of hemp biomass into cannabinoids like delta-8-THC, and expressed interest in relevant policies adopted or under consideration elsewhere.
The cannabis science and equity task forces were scheduled to have pivotal meetings, and a webinar would offer an opportunity to hear from a leading State researcher on I-502.
After work group members identified themselves and staff went over scope and responsibilities, questions were raised about who could contract as a social equity mentor and how to qualify for grants.
Members introduced themselves, heard about their work group responsibilities, and began exploring potential changes to cannabis business licensing for social equity applicants.
During a briefing on the development of a social equity program at WSLCB, the Board Chair sought ways to act quickly once agency staff received guidance from the equity task force.
The Washington state Governor was scheduled to take action on the operating budget for the upcoming biennium, endorsing or vetoing fiscal appropriations for many government activities.
A mixed bag of topics included: a new CIO, hiring a DEI Manager, presentations for officials outside Washington, online licensing applications, and “pending” producer/processor licenses.
The board gave permission to start a new rulemaking project around “THC Compounds Other than Delta-9” and heard “frustrations” of a prominent cannabis association lobbyist.