The influence of prevention organizations on WSLCB policy was the focus of a presentation from the agency’s public health liaison and remarks from Cannabis Advisory Council members.
SB 5004, legislation providing an excise tax exemption for patients registered with the state, drew largely supportive testimony which contested the accuracy of the fiscal note.
The Board convened a quick caucus meeting and briefly discussed the upcoming deliberative dialogue sessions, a new rulemaking engagement paradigm at the agency.
Members heard concerns from three police and prevention advocates on new legislation to allow adults to grow up to six cannabis plants in their residence, and positive remarks from all other speakers.
Three new cannabis bills were introduced and four were scheduled for activity while the Washington Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission considered regulation of Epidiolex.
In the Board’s first planning session since 2018, members looked back on past priorities and prepared to welcome a new board chair who would be appointed in “a few more weeks.”
Advocates learned about Washington's legislative process from a Legislative Information Center staffer including specific steps to track and participate virtually in the 2021 session.
The Washington State Legislature kicked off its 2021 session where home grow was already scheduled to be heard while the WSLCB and SBOH positioned to advocate for their interests.
Goals for the 2021 Washington state legislative session, which begins Monday January 11th, were articulated by WSLCB agency leadership and Cannabis Advisory Council members.
An Interpretive and Policy Statement Program was launched at WSLCB, emergency rules were extended, location compliance certificates were adopted, and citizens addressed the Board.