Washington State Office of the Governor
(WA Governor)
Information Set
- No information available at this time
WA Legislature - Update
(May 8, 2023)
The Governor has called for a special session of the Washington State Legislature, and Cannabis Observer will be there to increase transparency and accountability with your support.
WA Governor - Bill Action
(May 4, 2023) - SB 5069
The Governor approved a bill to allow interstate cannabis agreements if the practice became permitted by federal government action - and legislation had been introduced in Congress to do just that.
WA ORC Task Force - Meeting
(March 29, 2023) - Cannabis Retail Panel
Several cannabis retailers conveyed experiences and policies on reducing robberies, but local officials and others pushed for more organized and proactive enforcement approaches.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(May 2, 2023) - Research and Rulemaking Updates
A familiar face was announced to lead a new agency research unit, extensive rulemaking would take place in the coming months, and the board celebrated signed social equity legislation.
WA Governor - Bill Action
(May 1, 2023) - SB 5080
With broad effects on definitions, timelines, portability, and the number of cannabis licenses in the social equity program, the Governor called passage of SB 5080 “a really important deal.”
The Week Ahead
(May 1, 2023)
The Governor was scheduled to take action on two cannabis bills, including the social equity program expansion, while other bodies convened to consider regular session outcomes.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(April 25, 2023) - Summary
An update on the 2023 legislative session hinted at a potential special session to revise a Blake bill on drug use and treatment, then staff discussed input on the medical cannabis system.
WIDAC - Council Meeting
(April 13, 2023) - Impaired Driving Data
The council heard that even after modifications to traffic fatality data involving drug testing results the narrative on the increasing prevalence of poly-drug incidences remained unchanged.
The Week Ahead
(April 24, 2023)
The Washington State Legislature adjourned sine die on Sunday, but failed to pass “a Blake fix bill” which would likely prompt the calling of a 30-day special session sometime before June 1st.
WA Legislature - Update
(April 22, 2023)
The biennium operating budget as revised by fiscal committee leadership from both chambers would be published on Saturday at noon, the second to last day of the 2023 regular session.