Washington State Office of the Governor
(WA Governor)
Information Set
- No information available at this time
WA Senate WM - Committee Meeting
(March 7, 2022) - SB 5983 - Executive Session
Given two proposed substitutes on a bill to regulate cannabinoids, almost the entire committee voted for a more limited version to get some cannabinoid products off the shelves and study the issues.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(January 28, 2022) - HB 2022 - Public Hearing
A hearing on social equity legislation provoked largely favorable testimony, peppered with repeated questions and comments about proposed buffer zones changes for retailers.
WA SECTF - Public Meeting
(January 24, 2022) - Summary
New task force members were welcomed, followed by a review of recommendations already made and those still needed, then a vote to continue one work group and start up three others.
WA Governor Council on Health Disparities - Public Meeting
(January 3, 2022) - WA SECTF Recommendations
- USA - Washington
- Washington State Governor's Interagency Council on Health Disparities (WA Governor Council on Health Disparities)
After pushback for not acting earlier, council members formally and unanimously endorsed all of the recommendations of the Washington State Task Force on Social Equity in Cannabis.
The Week Ahead
(January 3, 2022)
Before the 2022 legislative session, WA SECTF recommendations may be formally endorsed and one prong of the WSLCB response to synthesized cannabinoids would likely be adopted.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(December 14, 2021) - Summary
In their final meeting of 2021, board members discussed a recent ride-along, a legislative proposal to overhaul the board from a cannabis trade association, and “collateral enforcement.”
WA Governor - Bill Action
(April 16, 2021) - SB 5372
A law establishing voluntary hemp processor registration and facility certification was signed and rulemaking was underway - but the opening of a new market was said to justify emergency action.
WA Senate LCTA - Committee Meeting
(November 15, 2021) - Update on “Impairing” Cannabinoids
- USA - Washington
- Washington State Senate Labor, Commerce, and Tribal Affairs Committee (WA Senate LCTA)
Senators learning about delta-8-THC and other novel cannabinoids found the lack of control around youth access “very alarming” as they questioned WSLCB and CANNRA leaders.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(November 10, 2021) - Legislative Affairs Update
The lobbyist for WSLCB gave an update on staff engagement with lawmakers and progress on two draft bills with associated budget requests being prepared for the governor’s office.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(October 13, 2021) - Legislative Affairs Update
Director of Legislative Relations Chris Thompson went over the status of two potential agency request bills (lab standards, cannabinoid regulation) and an upcoming briefing to lawmakers.