Washington State Department of Agriculture

Structural Relationships
Washington State Office of the Governor
(WA Governor) -
Washington State Department of Agriculture
(WSDA) -
Washington State Hemp Commission Task Force
(WA Hemp Commission Task Force) -
Washington State Hemp in Food Task Force
(WA Hemp in Food Task Force)
WA Legislature - Update
(March 25, 2025)
An unusual omnibus bill would be presented publicly on Tuesday along with the WSLCB data dashboard legislation and the production unionization bill before hearings on the freshly proposed operating budgets.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 24, 2025)
Five more cannabis-related bills made it through the first cutoff bringing the total to 13, five of which must be moved by fiscal committees by the next gateway on Friday to continue onwards, including home grow.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 21, 2025)
The lab certification bill was passed in the House before a mishmash of amendments were published on seven cannabis-related bills up for executive sessions Friday morning in advance of the first cutoff.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 14, 2025)
Wrapping up the first five weeks of the 2025 session, committee schedules for the final week before the first cutoff were filling up prompting reshuffling and winnowing of legislative priorities.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 12, 2025)
The lab certification bill was advanced, new introductions were drying up before the first cutoff, two bills were positioned for execs on Wednesday, and the data dashboard bill could be passed by the House.
WA Legislature - Update
(February 11, 2025)
Retail advertising concerns drew out public health and prevention representatives, two new bills were staged for introduction, and legislation to clarify authority over testing labs may be moved on Tuesday.
The Week Ahead
(February 10, 2024)
Three cannabis-related bills were scheduled to be heard and four executive sessions were planned for the week which would include cancellations of most regular WSLCB meetings.
WA House CPB - Committee Meeting
(January 28, 2025) - HB 1449 - Public Hearing
A committee questioned 20 people testifying on a bill to legalize home growing, but one legislator stood out for asking complex hypotheticals on conspiracies and insurance.
The Week Ahead
(February 3, 2025)
Five cannabis bills would receive hearings in the fourth week of the 2025 session, while regulators trimmed lab accreditation rules and briefed lawmakers on technology challenges.
WA Legislature - Update
(January 29, 2025)
Four public hearings on Tuesday evidenced the complexity of cannabis policymaking, Republicans were eyeing excise tax revenue, and legislation may be advanced on WSLCB data dashboard development.