The Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) was created in February 1970 after the Washington State Senate voted in favor of Senate Bill 1 and Governor Daniel Evans signed the bill into law. The bill authorized the consolidation of four existing state agencies to create the Department of Ecology, the first unified environmental protection agency in the nation, ahead of even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Washington State Department of Ecology

WSLCB - Board Meeting
(September 13, 2023) - Summary
After an update on social equity license applicants, board members heard encouragement, criticism, and questions about the program, among other comments, from the public.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(August 29, 2023) - Summary
Aside from a short rulemaking update, most of the meeting focused on the new agency research team, including outputs and external collaborations they had begun to develop.
The Week Ahead
(August 28, 2023)
The WSLCB board and staff would convene again this week, but the next formal cannabis rulemaking action by members was not expected until October 25th.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(August 9, 2023) - Summary
The board heard about implementation of legislation and possible request bills; social equity applications; lab authority transfer; plus updates on medical endorsements and hiring.
DOE - Webinar - Accreditation of Cannabis Laboratories - Public Workshop
(August 2, 2023) - Summary
With DOE staff moving forward on cannabis lab accreditation rulemaking, they explained the expected timeline for draft rules and heard feedback about the costly implications for labs.
The Week Ahead
(August 7, 2023)
Federal substance abuse regulators planned to promote concerns about CBD, Ecology staff prepared to accredit private labs, and the WSLCB revealed 2024 request legislation proposals.
The Week Ahead
(July 31, 2023)
Lab participants would get a glimpse of rulemaking procedure at the Department of Ecology and the Cannabinoid Science Work Group planned to convene under the WSLCB Research Unit.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(July 11, 2023) - Summary
The board heard how an environmental pesticides investigation was nearing completion along with comments from the incoming agency director and plans for staff focus groups.
WSDA - Webinar - Cannabis Laboratory Standard Feedback
(June 28, 2023) - Summary
After a background on the draft rulemaking and method list for cannabis laboratory standards, stakeholders raised a lot of concerns and questions around expense and implementation.
The Week Ahead
(June 26, 2023)
Cannabis regulators from across the country planned to meet behind closed doors with selected external stakeholders before private labs met to discuss quality standards outlined by the State.