The Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) was created in February 1970 after the Washington State Senate voted in favor of Senate Bill 1 and Governor Daniel Evans signed the bill into law. The bill authorized the consolidation of four existing state agencies to create the Department of Ecology, the first unified environmental protection agency in the nation, ahead of even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Washington State Department of Ecology

The Week Ahead
(June 12, 2023)
During a quiet public-facing week for cannabis-related policymaking, regulatory action continued around legacy environmental pesticides, rulemaking, and preparations for a new Director.
WSLCB - Board Meeting
(June 7, 2023) - Summary
An environmental pesticide briefing laid out previous and ongoing actions by WSLCB, board members denied a petition related to the topic, and public commenters raised various concerns.
WSLCB - Work Group - Cannabinoid Science - Public Meeting
(June 1, 2023) - Summary
The group contemplated human safety guidance for different cannabis products, research on growing cannabis in contaminated soil, and implementing a new standard for THC detectability.
WSLCB - Work Group - Cannabinoid Science - Public Meeting
(April 6, 2023) - Summary
Members and agency staff provided praise and criticism of research articles put forward by staff involving “Regulatory Science,” cannabinoid differences, testing results, and terminology.
WA Governor - Bill Action
(May 16, 2023) - SB 5200
The capital budget included $5M for soil cleanup added late in the process in order to help agricultural sectors—including cannabis licensees—in north central Washington.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(May 10, 2023) - Summary
Reporting touched on why Licensing staff were “hands off” in the new phase of social equity applications, relocating producers over environmental pesticide concerns, and other updates.
UW ADAI - Webinar - Addressing the Risks of High THC Cannabis - The Public Health and Legislative Saga
(April 20, 2023) - Summary
Researchers ran through various efforts to regulate cannabis concentrates which had been supported by some stakeholders before taking questions on how to influence legislators and the public.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(April 25, 2023) - Summary
An update on the 2023 legislative session hinted at a potential special session to revise a Blake bill on drug use and treatment, then staff discussed input on the medical cannabis system.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(April 18, 2023) - Summary
Board members learned more about environmental pesticide investigations and test results before hearing a proposal for a dedicated research unit at the agency and legislative updates.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(April 12, 2023) - Summary
Agency leadership reported on their response to legacy environmental pesticides, CANNRA engagement, rule and research plans, as well as the status of hiring a new director.