The Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee (WA House COG) considers issues relating to the regulation of commerce in alcohol, tobacco and cannabis, as well as issues relating to the regulation and oversight of gaming, including tribal compacts.
Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee
(WA House COG)

Structural Relationships
Washington State House of Representatives
(WA House) -
Washington State House Commerce and Gaming CommitteeInactive
(WA House COG)
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(December 2, 2022) - UW ADAI Work Session
Informed by a small survey of stakeholders, a researcher producing a legislative report recommended officials reduce the availability and use of high-concentration cannabis products.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(December 14, 2022) - Summary
Cannabinoid regulation in the legislative session, the social equity program, CANNRA, and the traceability system were top-of-mind issues during the last agency public meeting of the year.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(December 2, 2022) - Synthesized Cannabinoid Trends and State Updates
A cannabis regulatory expert spoke to the committee about cannabinoid regulation, including research, media reporting, federal statistics, and legislative efforts outside of Washington state.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(November 30, 2022) - WA SECTF Update
A WA SECTF panel provided the committee an explanation of how they reached their final recommendations for social equity in cannabis before describing them and taking questions.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(December 2, 2022) - WSLCB Work Session
A WSLCB briefing on cannabinoid regulation charted activity leading up to 2023 request legislation including an investigation of a licensee engaged in synthesizing cannabinoids.
UW ADAI - Symposium - 2022 - Exploring Solutions - Addressing the Risks of High THC Cannabis Products
(September 16, 2022) - Perspectives of Washington Stakeholders
The principal researcher responsible for organizing the high THC cannabis symposium and delivering the policy report presented their findings from surveys of recruited stakeholders.
The Week Ahead
(November 28, 2022)
WSLCB, JLARC, and the Attorney General would convene on cannabis related topics as Washington State legislators met with guests and officials to prepare for the 2023 session.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(November 9, 2022) - Summary
Agency leaders met the new Director of Legislative Relations then heard reports on their legislative agenda, social equity, medical endorsements, hiring, work groups, and CCRS.
The Week Ahead
(November 21, 2022)
The WSLCB board cancelled meetings during the holiday week, but WA HCA would host a listening session as staff prepared a report on “High THC Policy” recommendations.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(October 12, 2022) - Legislative Affairs and Policy Discussions
Board members heard legislative updates, mentioned special guests attending upcoming caucuses, and discussed how to achieve prevention of 100% of retail sales to youth.