The Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee (WA House COG) considers issues relating to the regulation of commerce in alcohol, tobacco and cannabis, as well as issues relating to the regulation and oversight of gaming, including tribal compacts.
Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee
(WA House COG)

The Cannabis Alliance - WA Cannabis Summit - 2022 - Opening Keynote
(October 1, 2022) - Summary
The chair of the WA House cannabis policy committee commented on her background as well as legislative concerns and strategies she expected to hear during the 2023 session.
WACA - Spring Meeting - 2022 - WA Legislature Engagement
(June 15, 2022) - Summary
At four tables with small groups of lawmakers, WACA members and meeting attendees honed arguments in support of lower taxes, more advertising, vertical integration, and out of state ownership.
WA House APP - Committee Meeting
(February 7, 2022) - HB 2022 - Executive Session
After the failure of several minority caucus amendments on the social equity bill, some members raised doubts about increasing cannabis licensure leading to narrow passage out of committee.
WA House APP - Committee Meeting
(February 7, 2022) - HB 1668 - Executive Session
A definition of ‘impairing’ was added to legislation on cannabinoid regulation along with legislative oversight of WSLCB rulemaking before members recommended the bill be advanced.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(January 28, 2022) - HB 2022 - Public Hearing
A hearing on social equity legislation provoked largely favorable testimony, peppered with repeated questions and comments about proposed buffer zones changes for retailers.
The Week Ahead
(January 31, 2022)
Policy committees rushed to recommend legislation ahead of the initial cutoff deadline on February 3rd, including bills on retail safety, cannabinoid regulation, and social equity.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(January 18, 2022) - HB 1859 - Public Hearing
A joint request bill to establish an interagency cannabis lab standards team was wholeheartedly supported by representatives of the agencies which drafted the legislation.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(January 25, 2022) - HB 2035 - Public Hearing
Prevention interests spoke favorably of a bill to form a “behavioral health prevention and equity impact framework” at WSLCB, but the appearance of unbalanced representation raised concerns.
The Week Ahead
(January 24, 2022)
24 cannabis-related bills were active and 11 were scheduled for committee activity in the week ahead, including social equity, craft endorsements, and WSLCB request legislation.
WSLCB - Board Caucus
(January 18, 2022) - Legislative Affairs Update
Agency staff described six proposals they were engaged with in the second week of the legislative session, leading to a longer discussion about dueling synthesized cannabinoid bills.