The Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee (WA House COG) considers issues relating to the regulation of commerce in alcohol, tobacco and cannabis, as well as issues relating to the regulation and oversight of gaming, including tribal compacts.
Washington State House Commerce and Gaming Committee
(WA House COG)

The Week Ahead
(November 15, 2021)
Mere weeks away from pre-filing, legislators and agency staff prepared draft bills including the WSLCB “impairing” cannabinoids legislation of interest and consequence to many.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(October 21, 2021) - Organic-Comparable Cannabis and Appellations
Staff reviewed stalled rulemaking for a certified cannabis program in Washington before turning to two California programs: an organic-comparable certification and appellations of origin.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(October 21, 2021) - Trade Association Updates
Cannabis trade associations shared their legislative priorities around out-of-state ownership, social equity, medical cannabis, and synthesized cannabinoids.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(October 21, 2021) - WSLCB Updates
WSLCB leadership briefed the committee on “Cannabis Regulatory Issues and Implementation of Recent Legislation” after Gillian Schauer described delta-8-THC “health and safety risks.”
DOE - Cannabis Science Task Force Steering Committee
(October 1, 2021) - Legislative Proposals
A request bill to modify the timeline for Ecology to take on lab accreditation was shelved following “stakeholder research,” while potential legislation to create a lab standards body carried on.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(October 13, 2021) - Legislative Affairs Update
Director of Legislative Relations Chris Thompson went over the status of two potential agency request bills (lab standards, cannabinoid regulation) and an upcoming briefing to lawmakers.
The Week Ahead
(October 18, 2021)
A busy week inclusive of hearings on a local ban, medical cannabis taxation, social equity, and product testing would culminate in a legislative work session setting the stage for 2022.
The Cannabis Alliance - WA Cannabis Summit - 2021 - Fortifying Washington State in Preparation for Federalization
(September 24, 2021) - Summary
Legislative, regulatory, and lobbying leaders talked about preparing the Washington state cannabis sector for national legalization and interstate trade.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(April 1, 2019) - CBD Work Session
Industry, academic, and agency representatives brought lawmakers up to speed on CBD product research and policy development in Washington state.
WA SECTF - Public Meeting
(September 14, 2021) - Legislative Proposals - Licensing
Three recommendations for the 2022 legislative session were put forward by the licensing work group and adopted by the task force following discussion and amendment.