Cannabis Organization of Retail Establishments

WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(January 8, 2018) - HB 2334 - Public Hearing
In its initial public hearing, legislation to set requirements for CBD additives from outside the 502 system received mostly negative comments from those concerned it could hurt farmers and patients.
WSLCB - Work Group - Cannabis Potency Tax
(August 22, 2019) - Summary
The legislature asked the agency to explore “varying the marijuana excise tax rate based on product potency” and will be assisted by a broad spectrum of voices and BOTEC Analysis.
WSLCB - Cannabis Advisory Council
(July 17, 2019) - Summary
The council addressed five top agency priorities: medical cannabis, small business opportunities, social equity, the 2020 legislative session, and prevention.
WA Senate LBRC - Committee Meeting
(April 1, 2019) - SB 5985 - Public Hearing
On Monday April 1st, the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee hosted a public hearing for SB 5985, “Concerning provisions impacting marijuana business licensees.”
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(March 19, 2019) - SB 5318
The House Commerce and Gaming Committee hosted a public hearing on SB 5318 - “Reforming the compliance and enforcement provisions for marijuana licensees.”
WA Senate LBRC - Committee Meeting
(January 31, 2019) - Summary
Public hearings on 5 cannabis bills, including SB 5155 on home grow legalization and SB 5318 on WSLCB enforcement reforms.
WA House COG - Committee Meeting
(January 28, 2019) - Summary
The House committee hosted public hearings for three cannabis bills: HB 1237, HB 1236, and HB 1289.
WSLCB - Cannabis Advisory Council
(January 16, 2019) - Summary
After updates on rulemaking and legislation, the Cannabis Advisory Council hosted a lively and wide-ranging discussion about how WSLCB can help the market.
WSLCB - Executive Management Team
(November 28, 2018) - MIE Update
Director of Licensing and Regulation Becky Smith and Compliance and Policy Manager Nicola Reid presented WSLCB’s revised second issue brief.
WSLCB - Marijuana Infused Edibles Update
(November 27, 2018)
The edibles story continues w/ WSLCB's draft issue brief, trade association feedback, and an agency pattern of missed deadlines.